Oil pollution on sea water and sediments of Istanbul strait, caused by Nassia tanker accident

Oil pollution on sea water and sediments of Istanbul Strait, caused by Nassia tanker accident

Kasim C.Güven, Zeliha Yazici, Selma Ünlü, Erdogan Okus, Ertuğrul Doğan

Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, University of Istanbul, 34470 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY
Department of Pharmacology, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, University of Istanbul, TURKEY


Oil pollution was studied on sea water and sediments of Istanbul Strait following the Nassia tanker accident. The oil amount in the sea water and sediments was determined by UVF spectrophotometry. GC analysis was made on the sea water and on the aliphatic fractions of sediments. Oil amount found gradually decreased in sea water whereas increased in sediments after the accident.

Keywords: Istanbul Strait, Nassia tanker accident, oil pollution, sea water, sediment


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Secular sea level variations along the Turkish coasts

Secular sea level variations along the Turkish coasts

Bedri Alpar, Hüseyin Yüce, Ertuğrul Dogan

Istanbul University, Department of Marine Sciences and Management, 34470 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY
Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, 81647, Çubuklu, Istanbul, TURKEY


The characteristics of secular sea level variations along the Turkish coasts have been investigated based upon a sequence of hourly sea level observations at Samsun, Karşıyaka (lzmir) and Antalya. Significant monthly oscillations were calculated from the power spectral estimates: which occur at 12, 6, 4 months periods at Samsun: 21.3, 12, 6, 5, 4.1 months at Karşıyaka and 12, 6, 4 months periods at Antalya. For secular changes, the decreasing trend at Samsun tide station, -6.9 mm per year, is contrary to the secular rising trend of the Black Sea probably because of its rather short monitoring period (1963-77). A rise of 3.2 mm per year in annual sea level is computed for Karşıyaka (1935-71). A linear decreasing trend ( -0.4 mm per year between 1935-77) has been observed for annual sea levels at Antalya.

Keywords: Secular sea level variations, global sea-level changes, power spectra


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Vertical chemistry of the three dynamically different regions of the Black Sea

Özden Baştürk, Süleyman Tuğrul, İlkay Salihoğlu

Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS-METU), Erdemli Icel, TURKEY


In the upper layer of the Black Sea, the vertical distributions of nutrients and dissolved oxy’gen display very characteristic features at specific density surfaces. Moreover, data from a survey in September 1991 indicate that the positions and magnitudes of these properties show small regional differences from the core of the cyclonic gyres towards the anticyclonic eddies established in the coastal regions. The nutricline always appeared at shallower depths but at greater density surfaces within the cyclonic gyres. The molar ratios of N:P reached peak values of as much as 100 at the upper boundary of the nitracline due to a consistent shift between the onsets of the nitracline and the phosphocline. The subsurface phosphate mininium is a permanent feature of the cyclonic regions; however, it almost disappears in the meandering rim current, yielding lower concentrations at the depth of the deep phosphate maximum coinciding with the onset of the sulphidic waters.

Keywords: Black Sea, chemical properties, upwelling, downwelling, rim current


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Atlantic water in the Levantine Sea

Hüseyin Yüce

Seyir Hidrografi ve Oşinografi Dairesi Başkanlığı, 81647, Çubuklu, İstanbul, TURKEY


Atlantic water (AW) in the Levantine Sea was investigated based upon Nansen cast data collected from cruises conducted in the region. AW is observed distinctly in the Levantine Sea in summer. Due to the oceanographic and meteorological factors destruction and dissapearance of AW were observed especially in the eastern part of Levantine Sea in winter. Distribution of the AW supports recent hypothesis of general circulation patterns proposed by Özsoy et al. (1989).

Keywords: Atlantic water, Mediterranean Sea, water masses, Levantine Sea, circulation


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Investigations on raparin obtained from Rapana venosa (Valenciennes)

Lütfi Genç, Yıldız Özsoy, Erden Güler, Orhan N. Ulutin

University of Anadolu, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Eskişehir, TURKEY
University of Istanbul, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, TURKEY
University of Istanbul, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, TURKEY


Heparin was first isolated in 1916 from animal tissues. Raparin, heparin like substances, was isolated from Rapana venosa (Valenciennes) in 1991. In this study, raparin was extracted from hepatopankreas of Rapana venosa by three different techniques and fractionated through Sephadex G-50 Super fine column. Two fractions were obtained and their recalcification time, Heptest, Hepaclot methods and metachromatic activity were studied. All fractions showed activity in recalcification time assay and Raparin RKL10 FR I showed the greatest activity. All fractions were showed activity in Heptest but only raparin RKL10 FR II demonstrated considerable activity with Hepaclot test. Raparin RH500 Fr I showed metachromatic activity with azure A and toluidine blue dyes.

Keywords: Raparin, fractionation, biological activity assay, recalcification time, metachromatic activity


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Vol.2 – 1996 – No.1

Investigations on raparin obtained from Rapana venosa (Valenciennes)
Lütfi Genç, Yildiz Özsoy, Erden Güler, Orhan N. Ulutin

Atlantic water in the Levantine sea
Hüseyin Yüce

Vertical chemistry of the three dynamically different regions of the Black Sea
Özden Baştürk, Süleyman Tuğrul, Ilkay Salihoğlu

Secular sea level variations along the Turkish coasts
Bedri Alpar, Hüseyin Yüce, Ertuğrul Doğan

Oil pollution on sea water and sediments of Istanbul Strait, caused by Nassia tanker accident
Kasim C.Güven, Zeliha Yazıcı, Selma Ünlü, Erdoğan Okus, Ertuğrul Doğan