Three new parasitic copepod species for the parasite fauna of marine fish of Turkey
Ahmet Öktener, Jean-Paul Trilles
Cihannüma mahallesi Hüsnü Savman sok. No:22/5 80690 Besiktas, Istanbul, TURKEY
UMR. 5171 (Genome, Populations, Interactions, Adaptation), Équipe Adaptation Ecophysiologique et Ontogenése, Université de Montpellier 2, Cc. 092, Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 05, FRANCE
In this study, three parasitic copepods from three different fish species, were reported for the first time in Turkish Coasts: Lernanthropus trachuri Brian, 1903 on gills of the horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus Steindachner, 1868), Neobrachiella impudica (Nordmann,1832) on gills of the gumard (Trigla lucerna Linne, 1758), Chondracanthus lophii Johnston, 1836 on gill cavity of the angler fish (Lophius piscatorius Linne, 1758), Besides, Mugil soiuy is identified as a new host for Ergasilus nanus van Beneden,1871 in Turkish Coasts.
Keywords: Copepod, parasites, horse mackerel, angler fish, gurnard
The water detection in gasoline and its hydrocarbon contents
Kasim Cemal Güven, Tuncay Gezgin
Istartbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Muskule Sokak 1. Vefa, 34470, Istanbul, TURKEY
In this work a practical method is proposed for detection water contamination in gasoline. Methylene blue crystal was added to the gasoline samples and shaked, the blue colour developed in water phase indicating water contamination. Phthalate ester was detected by the GC/MS in the water contamined sample. Water contamination was found in one of the three samples tested. The identified hydrocarbons by the GC/MS analysis were: 12 aliphatic, 21 aromatic compounds in normal and 9 aliphatic, 19 aromatic compounds in super type of gasoline. Tetra ethyl lead which is usually added to gasoline, was also detected in all the samples.
Keywords: Water detection, super/normal gasoline, analysis hydrocarbons
Metachromatic properties of agars and carrageenan
Mürşide Sur, Kasım Cemal Güven
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Musküle Sokak 1,34470 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY
The metachromatic properties of agars obtained from Turkish coast of carrageenan were investigated after eluation on Sepharose 2B. The each 5ml eluate was separated and α-, β- bands were determined with azur A by spectrophotometer. The metachromatic band is shown amongst the volume of the eluates are: for agars; 15-55 ml for Phyllophora nervosa, Gracilaria verrucosa 20-45 mI, Ceramium rubrum 25-55 mI, 15-45ml for Gelidium latifolium and 20-30 mI for Pasteur agar and 25-95 m1 for carrageenan. The results show that the metachromatic properties of agars tested were not similar.
Keywords: Agars, carrageenan, Sepharose 2B, Azure A, metachromasy
Heavy metal concentrations in marine algae from the Turkish Coast of the, Black Sea, during 1979-2001
Sayhan Topcuoglu, Çigdem Kirbasoglu, Nuray Balkis
Department of Radiobiology, Çekmece Nuclear and Training Center, POB 1, Atatürk Airport, 34831 Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Müsküle Sokak 1, 34470 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY
The heavy metal concentrations in different algae species were reviewed after collection from Black Sea and Bosphorus stations from 1979 to 2001. The results showed that the Turkish Black Sea coast and Bosphorus region faced heavy metal pollution. However, Cd, Co, Cr and Pb levels were found to be below lower limit detection in all tested Black Sea algae species collected in 1998 and 1999. On the other hand, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ph and Zn concentrations increased at the eastern Black Sea stations in 2001. As a result, it can be said that the heavy metal monitoring of marine algae species with reperesentative sampling sites along the Bosphorus and Black Sea Turkish Coast should be continued.
Keywords: Black Sea, Bosphorus, heavy metal, marine algae
New shallow seismic data from the southwestern Black Sea shelf; implications for recent sea-level fluctuations
Bedri Alpar, Valeri Gainanov
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management Vefa, 34116 Istanbul, T URKEY
Moscow State University, Moscow, RUSSIA
Shallow seismic profiles are used to image the stratigraphic setting in the southwestern Black Sea. Two unconformable main seismic units were detected in the sediments, which carry the effects of a major sea-level fall. The upper unit shows transgressive systems track deposits on an erosional unconfonnity. This marked surface extends ubiquitously all over the shelf, -100 to -110 ill below the present sea level,. and indicating the lowstand of sea level before the latest rise in the Black Sea (1O-9 ka BP). The lower unit consists of two different formations; locally folded-faulted acoustically reflective strata and stacked prograded delta successions The latter is divided into at least 4 distinct sub-units in a form of stacked delta successions deposited on the transgressed shelves of the Black Sea, which carry the effects of many minor short-lived sea-level variations.
Keywords: Black Sea, seismic stratigraphy, sea-level changes
Investigation on the sediment of Lake Van, Turkey I – oil content
K.C. Güven, B. Öztürk, S. Ünlü, M. Görgün, N.Hanilci
Composition of species and biomass of coastal fish around Gökçeada Island (NE Aegean Sea)
Çetin Keskin
Prostaglandin in algae, investigation on Halopteris filicina (Kütz.) extract
K.C. Güven, Z. Kull, O. Özdemir, G. Kaya, O. N. Ulutin, R. K. Türker
The Bosphorus: Growth of oil shipping and marine casualties
Necmettin Akten
The oil, detergent and heavy metals pollution of Ölüdeniz, Fethiye and Göçek, south west of Turkey
K.C. Güven, B. Öztürk, S. Ünlü, N. Balkis, A. Aksoy, S. Cumali