Biogenic properties of deep waters from the Black Sea reduction (Hydrogen sulphide) zone for marine algae
Gennady G. Polikarpov, Galina Е. Lazorenko, Natalya N. Тereschenko
The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Pr. Nakhimova, 2, Sevastopol 99011, UKRAINE
Generalized data of biogenic properties investigations of the Black Sea deep waters from its reduction zone for marine algae are presented. It is shown on board and in laboratory that after pre-oxidation of hydrogen sulphide by intensive aeration of the deep waters lifted to the surface of the sea, they are ready to be used for cultivation of the Black Sea unicellular, planktonic, and multicellular, benthic, algae instead of artificial medium. Naturally balanced micro- and macroelements structure and enriched content of nutrients are characterized the Black Sea deep waters. As a matter of fact after full oxidation of hydrogen sulphide they become the high-quality nutrient medium comparable with and even exceeding of the best man-made cultural medium.
Keywords: Algae, Black Sea, deep waters

Littoral concentration of life in the Black Sea area and coastal management requirements
Yuvenaly Zaitsev
Odessa Branch, Institute of Biology of Southern Seas, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 37 Pushkinska Street, 65011 Odessa, UKRAINE
The biological diversity, numbers and biomass of plants and animals in the Black Sea coastal zone up to 5 m depth are at least twice as much than deeper. This phenomenon is due to presence of many permanent inhabitants and to adlittoral breeding and feeding migrations of fish. Predominance of early stages of development of marine organisms is very characteristic for this ecologic zone. Adjoining coastal wetlands are also very rich in marine, brackish water and salt water organisms. Different human activities in coastal zone are the reason of various ecological conflicts. Presented matrix of these conflicts in the Black Sea area can be useful for Integrated coastal zone management purposes.
Keywords: Black Sea, contours, littoral concentration of life, adlittoral migrations, ecological conflicts, matrix

Marine algae and seagrasses of Tekirdağ (Black Sea, Turkey)
Veysel Aysel, Hüseyin Erdugan, Berrin Dural, E. Sükran Okudan
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Biology Department, Çanakkale, TURKEY
Aegean University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Izmir, TURKEY
Akdeniz University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Antalya, TURKEY
In this study, marine algae and seagrasses in the upper infralittoral zone of the Black Sea coast of Tekirdag (Turkey) were investigated. A total 156 taxon (153 algae and 3 seagrasses) in species or inferior to the species category were determined. 15 of them belong to blue-green bacteria (Cyanophyta), 84 to red algae (Rhodophyta), 26 to brown algae (Heterokontophyta), 28 to green algae (Chlorophyta) and 3 to marine flowering plants (Magnoliophyta).
Keywords: Turkey, Tekirdağ, algae, marine flowering plants

Maritime security challenges ahead in the Black Sea
Hüseyin Yüce, Cem Gazioglu
Black Sea Port State Control Secretariat, Meclisi Mebusan St. No.18 34443 Salipazari Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Department of Marine Environment, 34116 Vefa Istanbul, TURKEY
A number of new maritime security challenges in an upward wave of illegal maritime activities (buccaneering, piracy, armed sea robbery, environmental degradation, illegal fishing/over hunting and drug, human and arms trafficking). The increase of such illegal activities is obvious in both national and international maritime waters and threatens the interests of not only regional states but also nonregional states. New efforts to control this illegal activity are required by individual littoral states, regional organizations and the international community. Maritime activities of the black sea environment which is the most remarkable regional seas in the world, is faced these new threats. International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code entered into force on 1st July 2004, which requires close co-operation among the coastal States in the Black Sea in general, Maritime Authorities in particular. The ISPS Code is a set of new maritime regulations designed to help detect and discourage threats to international security. There is the need to harmonize procedures related to maritime security in the region which requires working together and joining efforts to comply appropriately with the goals laid out in the amendments included in the SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) Convention which adopted at a Diplomatic Conference after the September 11 tragic event to this end cooperation with IMO is essential. The ISPS Code applies to all SOLAS, vessels over 500gt engaged in international voyages and all port facilities serving such ships. The role of port State control and particularly the Port State Control Officers concerning the verification of security measures is very important.
Keywords: Maritime, security, Black Sea, ISPS, SOLAS, IMO

Oil pollution in the surface water of the Aegean Sea
Bayram Öztürk, Kasim C. Güven, Filiz Nesimigil, Selin Cumali, Ayhan Dede
Istanbul University, Faculty of Fisheries, Marine Biology Department, Laleli, Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY
Oil pollution in the surface water of the Aegean Sea was investigated from the Çanakkale Strait (Dardanelles) to the Marmaris Harbour, during 17-25 April in 2005. The oil pollution of samples was determined by UVF, through various crude oils and also chrysene as references materials. The oil pollution in water was ranged from 6.17 μg/L at Datça to 59.58 μg/L at Kuşadası through Russian crude oil equivalent. The highest polluted areas were Babakale-Kuşadası Bay, West of Giadoros Island and Yalikavak – Kardak Island. The comparison the results of present work with the earlier findings, showed that the pollution level is increased during the years in this area.
Keywords: Aegean Sea, oil pollution, surface water

Zooplankton community state in the Northeastern Marmara Sea during early autumn with comments on mass mortality of the Black Sea species due to the salinity gradient
Leonid Svetlichny, Elena Hubareva, Ahmet Kideys, Melek Isinibilir, Aleksandra Shmeleva
Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol, UKRAINE
Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Erdemli, TURKEY
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, Agriculture and Fisheries Unit, I-21020 Ispra (VA), ITALY
Istanbul University, Faculty of Fisheries, Laleli, Istanbul, TURKEY
In October 2005 species composition and abundance of mesozooplankton collected in the Black Sea (near the entrance of the Bosphorus) and in the Marmara Sea (near the exit of the Bosphorus and Prince Islands) were studied taking into account the number of live and dead individuals. Along the Bosphorus, the numbers of the Black Sea originated Copepoda species reduced whilst the abundance of Cladocera and Oikopleura dioica increased towards the Marmara. The Black Sea species constituting 78% of total fodder zooplankton abundance in the Marmara Sea aggregated mainly in the subsurface layers with lower salinity. In the layers deeper than salinity gradient (25-50 m) 57% of the individuals from these taxa were dead being at different stages of decomposition. Respiration rates of copepods also differed among layers of distinct salinity.
Keywords: Zooplankton, Calanus euxinus, vertical migration, Marmara Sea

Shipping accidents: a serious threat for marine environment
Necmettin Akten
Istanbul University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Maritime Transport and Management Engineering, Istanbul, TURKEY
Shipping accident is a term generally used for any accident results in financial loss, either in life or property or both. The reasons for shipping accidents are many and complex. Bigger size brings corresponding increases in cargo and passenger capacity; hence when an accident occurs, the risk of life and property immediately becomes higher. Reduced ship maneuverability in connection with larger scale is another contributing factor in shipping accidents. Several crucial causes play a role in shipping accidents. Natural conditions, technical failures, route conditions, ship-related factors, human errors, cargo-related factors are the striking ones. Shipping accidents by types are quite many and their impacts on marine environment differ from one another. Collision or contact, capsize, foundering,breaking up, grounding, stranding, breakdown of the ship underway, and fire or explosion are examples of common shipping accidents. Groundings and shipboard fires are the dominant types of shipping accidents worldwide. Torrey Canyon disaster has been the cornerstone for the protection of marine environment. The first 20 major oil spills of all time reveal that nearly 2.4 million tonnes of oil entered the sea due to accidental and operational oil pollutions. Shipping is and always will be full of risks despite high and ever increasing safety standards. Nevertheless, improved standards for ships, seafarers and shipping management by way of internationally adopted measures have all made and will make a major impact on shipping safety for safer shipping and cleaner oceans.
Keywords: Shipping accident, collision, stranding, grounding, shipboard fires, human errors, darkness, clear weather, collision risks, SOLAS, marine environment, oil spill, MARPOL, Bosphorus

Oil pollution in the surface water of the Aegean Sea
Bayram Öztürk, Kasim C. Güven, Filiz Nesimigil, Selin Cumali, Ayhan Dede
Zooplankton community state in the Northeastern Marmara Sea during early autumn with comments on mass mortality of the Black Sea species due to the salinity gradient
Leonid Svetlichny, Elena Hubareva, Ahmet Kideys, Melek Isinibilir, Aleksandra Shmeleva
Maritime security challenges ahead in the Black Sea
Hüseyin Yüce, Cem Gazioglu
Marine algae and seagrasses of Tekirdag (Black Sea, Turkey)
Veysel Aysel, Hüseyin Erdugan, Berrin Dural, E. Sükran Okudan
Shipping accidents: a serious threat for marine environment
Necmettin Akten

Littoral concentration of life in the Black Sea area and coastal management requirements
Yuvenaly Zaitsev
Biogenic properties of deep waters from the Black Sea reduction (Hydrogen Sulphide) zone for marine algae
Gennady G. Polikarpov, Galina Е. Lazorenko, Natalya N. Тereschenko
Two new fish records from Turkish Coast of the Eastern Mediterranean: The garfish, Belone svetovidovi Collette and Parin, 1970; the Spiny gurnard, Lepidotrigla dieuzeidei Audoin in Blanc and Hureau, 1973
Cem Dalyan, Lütfiye Eryilmaz
Marine algae and seagrasses of Hatay (Mediterranean, Turkey)
V. Aysel, H. Erdugan, E. S. Okudan
Investigation of qualitatively phytoplankton in the Turkish Coasts of the Black Sea and a species list
Seyfettin Tas, Erdogan Okus
Oil Pollution in east part of Izmit Gulf
Hülya Günday, Selma Ünlü, Kasim C. Güven

The list of algae and seagrasses of Marmara Sea and Bosphorus between 1986-1994
A. Aydin, A. Tomruk, H. Koç, K. Aysenur, O. Nalan, S. Ilker, F. Gören, G. Gümüsçapa, S. Mert
Diversity and comparison of ostracoda of south Marmara Sea
S. Nerdin Kubanç
Marine algae and seagrasses of Adana (Mediterranean, Turkey)
V. Aysel, H. Erdugan, E. S. Okudan
Occurrence of Apletodon dentatus bacescui (Murgoci, 1940) (Gobiesocidae) and Coryphoblennius galerita (Linnaeus, 1758) (Blenniidae) at the central Black Sea coast of Turkey
Levent Bat, Gamze Gönlügür Demirci, Meral Öztürk
Levels of bacterial metabolic activity, indicator (Coliform, Escherichia coli) and pathogen bacteria (Salmonella spp.) in the surface water of Sapanca Lake, Turkey
Gülsen Altug, Cumhur H. Yardimci, Hacer Okgerman, Serhan A. Tarkan
Marine algae and seagrasses of Mersin shore (Mediterranean, Turkey)
V. Aysel, E.S. Okudan,H. Erdugan
Interpretation of gravity and magnetic data with Fourier Spectral analysis of Çanakkale Strait (Dardanelles)
F. Adatepe, S. Demirel, M. Hisarlı