Environmental impact assessment of lesser-known creek in Benghazi

Joel Prashant Jack, Ibrahim Al- Ghaweel, Ayman A. Naas


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for lesser- known creek in Benghazi was taken for initial monitoring to add data base system by taking environmental factors and water variables into consideration in order to evaluate, protect and sustainable use of lesser known creek within the city. Temperature had played a dominant role in assessing the importance of physical factors in setting the vertical limits of zonation pattern in coastal communities. However, the daily warming of creek waters, in addition to that the pollutants present in the creek, with the help of solar radiation, produce warm mixed layer of water during the course of the day. This development of this mixed layer largely depend on wind and surface currents in turn will play a key role for the productivity and also the growth of both phytoplankton and zooplankton in certain areas in the creek. Whereas, continuous addition of pollutants all along the creek especially near fish market lead to decline of water quality and increase of organic matter. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH will determine water quality and the redistribution of flora and fauna in the creek are discussed briefly.

Keywords: Environment impact assessment (EIA), creek, water quality

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Distribution of three cetacean species along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast in 2006-2013

Marina Panayotova, Valentina Todorova

Institute of Oceanology-BAS, “Parvi may”40 Str., P.O.Box 152, 9000 Varna, BULGARIA


Opportunistic observations of small cetacean species were made on board of fishing vessels and the 55-m research vessel “Akademik” during 20 surveys, carried out between April and November over the period 2006-2013 in the Bulgarian Black Sea territorial waters and exclusive economic zone. Over 10733 nautical miles and 1643 hours of survey effort, 289 sightings were recorded. Three cetacean species – bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) were observed. The most abundant species was the bottlenose dolphin – 618 individuals recorded in 120 sightings, followed by the common dolphin – 554 individuals in 101 sightings and 251 harbour porpoises in 68 sightings. The overall encounter rate was 3.18 sightings/100 nm. The distribution of cetaceans in the Bulgarian Black Sea area was associated with the ecological conditions such as prey dynamics, hydrology, ecosystem productivity, and also with some anthropogenic activities. Due to the absence of specialized surveys on cetaceans, the available sighting data help to elucidate the distribution of cetaceans, thus provide the scientific base for the designation of marine NATURA 2000 sites in the Bulgarian Black Sea for the conservation of marine mammals listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive.

Keywords: Bulgarian Black Sea area, cetaceans, sightings, distribution

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Vol.15 – 2009 – No.3

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Vol.15 – 2009 – No.1

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Environmental impact assessment of lesser-known creek in Benghazi
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