07/26/2019A study on some physico-chemical properties of Marmaris Bay (Southern Aegean, Turkey)
Şeyma Merve Kaymaz, Nedim Özdemir
Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Istanbul, TURKEY
Department of Fisheries, Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University, Mugla, TURKEY
Marmaris Bay is in the area where the southwest corner of Turkey meets the Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea. It is a semi-enclosed bay and one of the popular tourism destinations of Turkey. To understand the spatial and temporal variation of water quality in the bay, this study was carried out between May 2011 and April 2012. Seven points were strategically selected and selected physico-chemical parameters in water samples were measured monthly. The ranges of these parameters found as (BDL: below detection limit); temperature: 14.31 to 27.16°C, pH: 7.40-8.93, dissolved oxygen: 4.20-8.50 mgL-1, electrical conductivity: 52.160-59.540 μScm-1, salinity: 34.34-39.84‰, nitrite nitrogen: BDL-0.50 mgL-1, nitrate nitrogen: BDL-30.00 mgL-1, ammonium nitrogen: BDL-2.50 mgL-1, phosphate ion: BDL-4.00 mgL-1, and chlorophyll-a: 0.03-2.44 mgL-1. The results revealed that deterioration in water quality and pollution occurred mostly during the peak period of tourism in summer.
Keywords: Marmaris Bay, water quality, physico-chemical parameters, environment factor, tourism activities
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