The current impact of mucilage on tourism and underwater cultural heritage in the Marmara region
09/30/2021The current impact of mucilage on tourism and underwater cultural heritage in the Marmara region
Can Kalkavan
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3865-1899
Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), Istanbul, TURKEY
An analysis of the impact of the recent massive mucilage event in the Marmara Sea is necessary in order to manage the crisis and introduce mitigation measures for the sustainability of tourism in the area. Legislation and preventive measures can help to prevent large-scale disasters and destruction, particularly in the marine industry. Yet, despite early signs and warnings, no measures of any impact have been taken to limit the outbreak of mucilage. Consequently, the Marmara region, well known for its unique inland sea, history and culture, is now in great jeopardy. Mucilage is a threat to the tourism sector, an important contributor to the regional and national economy, and its underwater cultural heritage. This study aims to show the short-term and long-term effect of mucilage on the tourism sector and on under water cultural heritage. The data was collected through interviews with local business owners, an examination of beach’s health throughout years in the Marmara Sea and the impact of tourism on the Turkish GDP. Lastly, previous cases of mucilage were taken as an example for a more accurate prediction.
Keywords: Mucilage, Marmara Sea, tourism, underwater cultural heritage
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