A suggestion to improve navigational safety in the Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus): Patrol tugs
01/18/2022A suggestion to improve navigational safety in the Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus): Patrol tugs
Gizem Kodak, Cahit İstikbal
ORCID IDs: G.K. 0000-0002-1845-7901; C.İ. 0000-0002-5020-1025
Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Climate and Marine Sciences Department, 34469, Maslak / Istanbul, TURKEY
University of Kyrenia, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Maritime Transportation Management Engineering Department, Kyrenia, NORTHERN CYPRUS
Maritime Transportation and Management Engineer and Chief Pilot, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport Maritime Affairs and Communications, Directorate General of Coastal Safety, Istanbul, TURKEY
The Strait of Istanbul, which connects the Black Sea countries and the rest of the world, is the second busiest waterway in the world. In addition to intensive maritime traffic, the increased risk of accidents is alarming, given the environmental factors that complicate the navigation of the vessels. Historical data and literature review have shown that there is room for improvement with regard to measures taken to ensure the safe navigation in order to prevent accidents in the Strait of Istanbul. In this respect, determining the characteristics of past maritime accidents and identifying risky areas is vital to improve the level of safety. In this study, the temporal and spatial profile of maritime accidents that occurred in the Strait of Istanbul in the 2006-2015 period have been examined simultaneously with the variables of hourly wind speed and wind direction in the region. Results that were obtained indicate that accidents impending to happen can be prevented in the Strait of Istanbul if the patrol tugs take action when the ships were experiencing breakdown and/or navigational difficulties. The effectiveness, response time and response options of the proposed patrol tugboats were evaluated in two different scenarios where ship and currents are parallel and anti-parallel.
Keywords: Maritime policy, safety navigation, patrol tugs
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