COMMENTS ON: Okudan, E.Ş., Dural, B., Erdugan, H., Aktan, Y., Demir, V., Aysel, V. (2021) New record of the benthic marine mucilage aggregates Phaeocystis giraudii from Turkish Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 27(2): 124-139
07/19/2022COMMENTS ON: Okudan, E.Ş., Dural, B., Erdugan, H., Aktan, Y., Demir, V., Aysel, V. (2021) New record of the benthic marine mucilage aggregates Phaeocystis giraudii from Turkish Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 27(2): 124-139
Neslihan Balkis-Ozdelice, Turgay Durmus, Muharrem Balci
ORCID IDs: N.B.O. 0000-0001-8030-7480; T.D. 0000-0002-8242-1823; M.B. 0000-0001-9373-6647
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Istanbul University, Vezneciler, Istanbul, TÜRKİYE
Balkis-Ozdelice, N., Durmus, T., Balci, M. (2021) A preliminary study on the intense pelagic and benthic mucilage phenomenon observed in the Sea of Marmara. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics 8(4): 414-422.
Demir, V. (2011) Marine Biological Diversity Assessment for Marine Conservation Planning in Antalya-Kas Using Decision. Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Istanbul University, Turkey (in Turkish).
Okudan, E.Ş., Dural, B., Erdugan, H., Aktan, Y., Demir, V., Aysel, V. (2021) New record of the benthic marine mucilage aggregates Phaeocystis giraudii from Turkish Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 27(2): 124-139.