Vertical and temporal distribution of phytoplankton marker pigments during massive mucilage event

Vertical and temporal distribution of phytoplankton marker pigments during massive mucilage event

Yaprak Gürkan, Ahsen Yüksek

ORCID IDs: Y.G. 0000-0001-7949-3001; A.Y. 0000-0001-7949-3001

Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, İstanbul University, 34134 Vefa/İstanbul, TÜRKİYE


This study examines the temporal and vertical distribution of phytoplankton marker pigments in coastal marine ecosystem for one year. Chl-a had high masses in the upper layer, except in June 2021. Chl c1+c2 peaked at 0.75 µg L-1 in April 2021 above 20 m. Frequent pigment, fucoxanthin, reached its highest mass of 0.66 µg L-1 in April 2021 within upper 20 m. Peridinin’s peak values were 0.28 µg L-1 in January 2021. Temperature had a negative correlation with pigments, particularly with fucoxanthin (r= -0.5). Fucoxanthin exhibited strong positive correlations with chl-a and chl-c1+c2 (r = ~0.75), and peridinin correlated with ß-carotene (r=0.67). Median pigment values within the first 10 m were slightly lower than the first 20 m. Pigment mass within 20-38 m was notably lower than 10-38 m. An increasing chl-a pattern from November 2020 to March 2021, with fluctuations thereafter was detected. Permutational multivariate variance analysis showed significant differences (p<0.05) in marker pigment masses between sampling months. This study illuminates the intricate temporal and vertical dynamics of phytoplankton marker pigments, providing insights into the phytoplankton activity in the central İzmit Bay during a mucilage ongoing period. 

Keywords: The Sea of Marmara, phytoplankton marker pigments, chlorophylls, fucoxanthin, İzmit Bay

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