Primary production, bacterioplankton and planktonic protozoa in the Marmara Sea

Yuri I. Sorokin, Ahmet N. Tarkan, Bayram Öztürk,  Meriç Albay

P.P. Shirkow Institute of Oceanology Southern Branch, Gelendzhik- 7, 353470, RUSSIA
University of Istanbul, Faculty of Aquatic Products, Laleli, Istanbul, TURKEY


In this study, the number of bacteria, zooflagellates, cliates and biomass amount in the Marmara Sea are presented. The total bacteria in surface waters of Marmara Sea is approximately 2×106 cell ml-1, the maximum number of bacteria was recorded at a station in the northern Marmara Sea as 4.96×106 cell ml-1 and the lowest number of bacteria was recorded in the western part of Marmara Sea near the Dardanelles as 0.60106 cell ml-1. The average volume of planktonic bacteria in the surface waters of the Marmara Sea is 0.113, however this amount was recorded 2-3 times more in same stations where Ctenophora mucus density is high (in the second station 12 m. depth 0.33)The average of microbial biomass in the surface layer was recorded 232 mg m, from pycnocline till 60 m. 26 mg m-3 and deeper than 60 m. 18 mg m -3 37  The number of zoo flagellates in the surface layers as 4x 106 cell L-1, biomass as 50 mg m-3, ciliates as 13×10-3 cell L-1 and average biomass amount as 75 mg m-3 were calculated. The average microbial decomposition amount in the surface was calculated as 0.15 mg OL/day. It was seen that, there is too much pollution around the Bosphorus and the northern parts of the Marmara Sea has a eutrophic sea character because of the polluted waters of the Black Sea. The microbiological production in the surface layers of the Marmara Sea shows similarity to the records of the mesotrophic waters of the Black Sea. In the deep waters of the Marmara waters there is a problem of oxygen deficiency because of the fast oxidation of HS. The turnover time of labile organic matter in the surface layer was recorded as 40-60 days. Between summer and autumn in the surface water of the Marmara Sea there is 2-4 mg C m-3 labile organic matter and in the deep Mediterranean waters there is 1.2 mg C m-3 labile organic matter. Presently anoxia in deep waters is being prevented via aeration by the oxygenated Mediterranean waters entering through Dardanells.

Keywords: Marmara Sea, primary production, oxygen deficiency, bacterioplankton, planktonic protozoa

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