01/03/2019A comparative study on constructional characteristics and engine power of Turkish fishing vessel in the Black Sea
Emin Özdamar
Faculty of Fisheries, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Sinop, TURKEY
In this study, the principal dimensions and fishing power of Turkish fishing vessels bigger than 18 GT in the Black Sea were investigated. Furthermore, the comparison on the principal dimensions was made among Turkish, Japanese, CIS (Country of Independent States) and Peruvian fishing vessels. Totally, 441 Turkish, 1289 Japanese and CIS fishing vessels were analyzed. It was determined that 29% of Turkish vessels in the Black Sea were between 17 and 18 m in length, and 3% of them were 27 m or longer. Some basic proportions of wooden and steel Turkish vessels were calculated as; L/B=2.84-3.24, L/D= 10.02-11.43 and HP/GT=5.56-4.65, respectively. In recent years, the increment on number of vessel and fishing capacity in Turkey was observed, in whkh 66% of fishing vessels in the Black Sea were built in 1977-1989. During this term, marine fish catches were increased accordingly, but CPUE was decreased about 50%. It was concluded that due to the high competition among fishermen, the excessive engine power was particularly used in Turkish vessels.
Keywords: Fishing vessel, principal dimensions, engine power, Black Sea, fisheries management
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