Vol.10 – 2004 – No.2

Oil pollution in Bosphorus, Golden Horn and Sea of Marmara after M/V GOTIA ship accident
Kasım Cemal Güven, Selma Ünlü, Kartal Çetintürk, Erdoğan Okuş

Investigations on magnoliophyta at the south Marmara Group Islands
Ahsen Yüksek, Erdoğan Okuş

Investigation of karstic cavities by Using EM – VLF method
Ali Danışman

List of phytoplankton of the Sea of Marmara
Neslihan Balkıs

Two lernaepodids and one pennellid copepod determined on three marine fishes collected in Turkey
Ahmet Oktener, Jean-Paul Trilles

Ports in today’s transport philosophy
Güler Bilen Alkan