Marine algae and seagrasses of Antalya Coastline (Mediterranean, Turkey)
01/30/2019Marine algae and seagrasses of Antalya Coastline (Mediterranean, Turkey)
E.Ş. Okudan, V. Aysel
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Biology Department, Çanakkale, TURKEY
In this study, the upper infralittoral zone of Antalya (Turkish Mediterranean coast) was studied. 375 algae and five seagrasses were determined. There are (36 taxon) blue-green algae (Cyanophyceae), (198 taxon) red algae [ Rhodellophyceae (1), Compsopogonophyceae (2), Bangwphyceae (5), Florideophyceae (190)], (74 taxon) brown algae (Fucophyceae), (67 taxon) green algae [Chlorophyceae (4), Ulvophyceae (18), Cladophorophyceae (23), Bryopsidophyceae (20), Dasycladophyceae(2)] and (5 taxon) seagrasses (Liliopsida). Bonnemaisonia clavata G. Hamel (Rhodophyceae ) was given as new record for the Turkish Marines. Leibleinia epipllytica (Hieronymus) Anagnostidis and Komarek, Microcltaete grisea Thuret, Calotlzrix scopulorum (Weber van Bosse and Mohr) C. Agardh (Cyanophyceae), Gelidiocolax christinae J. Feldman et G. Feldman, Falkenbergia ltildenbrandii (Bomer) Falkenberg. Hydrolitlwn farinosum var. chalicodictyum (W.R. Taylor) Serio, Acrodiscus vidovicltii (Meneghini) Zanardini, Ceramium codii (Richards) Feldmnn Mazoyer, Clrondria mairei Feldmann Mazoyer, Polysipltonia paniculata Montagne (Rhodophyceae) and Ulva curvata (Kützing) De Toni (Ulvophyceae) were given as new record for the Turkish coast of Mediterranean .
Keywords: Blue-green algae, red algae, brown algae, green algae, seagrasses, Antalya, Mediterranean, Turkey