The crab species found in the Edremit Bay (NE Aegean Sea)

Hüsamettin Balkıs, Ayşegül Kurun

Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Vezneciler, 34134 Istanbul, TURKEY


This study was carried out to determine the crab species existing found in the Edremit Bay and some of their ecological properties. Samples were collected from 46 stations between the years 2001-2003, at 0.5-75 m depths, by using scoop net, dredge, beam-trawl and trammel net. A total of 40 crab species belonging to 16 families were identified during the course of this study. Primary hydrographic conditions, such as temperature (13-29 ˚C), salinity (35.3-38.9 ‰) and dissolved oxygen (2.76-9.82 mg l-1) were recorded for each sampling.

Keywords: Brachyura, Edremit Bay, Aegean Sea

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