Oil pollution in the surface water of Sakarya River

Esra Billur Balcıoğlu, Bayram Öztürk

Istanbul University, Faculty of Fisheries, Marine Biology Department, Laleli, Istanbul, TURKEY


In this paper the oil pollution was investigated seasonally in the mouth and 4 stations of Sakarya River water during February 2008- January 2009. The oil pollution levels were determined by UVF, using Russian crude oil and chrysene as reference materials. The maximum oil level in river water was found as 37.47 μg/L at station 2 in November-2008 and 45.38 μg/L at station 4 in April- 2008. The highest polluted area in all time is the station 2 where fishing vessels and yachts stations. The comparison of results in Sakarya River with the rivers of Turkey flowed to Black Sea as Yenice, Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak, the oil pollution found is lower in Sakarya River. The oil pollution level found in Sakarya River is higher than the limit value given by UNESCO.

Keywords: Sakarya River, oil pollution, surface water

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