Water resources and its quality in arid and semi arid areas: the case of the NW of Algeria

F. Hadji, A. Marok, A. Belmouhoub, L. Benaabidate, B. Dahmani, K. M. Taleb

Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, P.O. Box: 119, Tlemcen, ALGERIA
Laboratory of Georesources and Environment, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Fez, P.O. Box: 2202, 30000, MOROCCO
Laboratory of spectrochemistry and structural pharmacology. Faculty of Engineering Sciences, P.O. Box: 119, Tlemcen, ALGERIA


Hydrogeological and hydrochemical investigations were carried out to evaluate the groundwater resources and their quality in the North-west of Algeria. The studied aquifers are Maghnia and Zriga, Ain Sefra and Bechar-Abadla. The water types of these aquifers are dominated by sulphate and chloride. Climatic conditions and geological characteristics seem affecting the physico-chemical properties of ground waters. The concentrations of water in dissolved elements are controlled especially by evaporation and weathering of evaporitic and saline formations, the majority values of conductivity and hardness are higher than WHO drinking standards, as well as concentrations in certain ions as Na+, Cl– and SO4 2- .

Keywords: Algeria, water resources, aridity, evaporitic formation, drinking water

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