01/10/2019A review of fish fauna in the Turkish Black Sea
Çetin Keskin
Istanbul University, Fisheries Faculty, Ordu St. No: 200, 34470 Laleli, Istanbul, TURKEY
This review showed that a total of 161 fish species inhabit in the Turkish Black Sea according to previous studies. Atlanto-Mediterranean species consisted 62.73% of total fish fauna, 6.83% cosmopolitan, 28.57% endemics and 1.86% introduced species such as, Liza haematocheila, Sphraena obtusata and Salmo salar. For the protection of the fish diversity in the Black Sea needs to establish marine protected areas, get under control of illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries, regional cooperation and concerted action.
Keywords: Marine fishes, Black Sea, Turkey
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