09/05/2018The levels of indicator bacteria transported to the Black Sea by the Sakarya River (Karasu Region)
Pelin S. Çiftçi, Mine Çardak, Gülşen Altuğ
Istanbul University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Marine Biology, Istanbul, TURKEY
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Fisheries, Canakkale, TURKEY
In this study, the counts of indicator bacteria were investigated with the aim of detecting the level of bacteria were carried via the Sakarya River into the Black Sea. The analyses were carried out in the samples of the surface water which were taken from depths between 0-30 cm and 1-3 meters in the Karasu region of the Sakarya River and at the discharge point to Black Sea during the period between March 2008 to January 2009. The samples were analyzed using m-FC NKS and m-Endo NKS by means of membrane filtration technique. The highest total and fecal coliform values were found (28×1012 CFU/100 ml and 14×1012 CFU/100 ml, respectively) in the samples that were taken from the 3rd station. The study results showed that indicator bacteria levels were over the national and international limits for this region and that this situation contributed to the rise of bacterial pollution of the Black Sea.
Keywords: Sakarya River, Karasu Region, indicator bacteria, Black Sea
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