09/05/2018The Occurrence of Atyaephyra desmarestii (Millet, 1831) (Decapoda: Atyidae ) in the Seyhan Reservoir (Seyhan River Basin)
Sibel Alagoz Ergüden, Tahir Özcan, Deniz Ergüden
Fisheries Faculty, Çukurova University, Balcali Campus, Adana, TURKEY
Fisheries Faculty, Mustafa Kemal University, TR-31200 Iskenderun, Hatay, TURKEY
During a recent ecological study, Atyaephyra desmarestii (Millet, 1831) is reported for the first time in the Seyhan Reservior (Seyhan River Basin) from the stomach contents of the species (Silurus glanis Linnaeus, 1758; Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)).
Keywords: Atyaephyra desmarestii, Athyphera, Seyhan River Basin, Turkey, new locality
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