09/05/2018Two new records paralarva in the Eastern Mediterranean (Cephalopods: Mollusca)
Alp Salman
Department of Hydrobiology, Faculty of Fisheries, Ege University, 35100, Bornova-Izmir, TURKEY
In this study, cephalopod paralarvae from the Aegean Sea and eastern Mediterranean Sea were examined. Hamburg Plankton Net and zooplankton net (model WP-2) were used for sampling. Fourteen species were identified from 119 paralarval individuals; two of them (Loligo vulgaris, and Octopus macropus) are recorded for the first time from the Aegean Sea and eastern Mediterranean Sea. Comprising results of earlier relevant studies, number of paralarval and early juvenile stage of cephalopod species recorded in the Levant basin and Aegean Sea is now 23.
Keywords: Cephalopoda, paralarvae, distribution, Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean
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