Environmental and safe optimization of crude oil washing on crude oil tankers

Murat Hasan Ali Altun, Özcan Arslan

Department of Maritime Transportation Engineering, Maritime Faculty, Istanbul Technical University, Tuzla, Istanbul, TURKEY


Crude oil is one of the most harmful substances for the environment because of its components. Pollution can be divided in two categories: sea pollution and air pollution. For that reason, discharging of crude oil and its products into the sea should be minimized by means of crude oil washing operation optimization not to destroy the environment. During the transportation of crude oil, the most difficult problem encountered is discharging of crude oil. There are some threats, advantages, disadvantages and opportunities during vessel’s crude oil washing operation to discharge its entire crude oil cargo. Under the light of this study, safety measures and auxiliary equipments was investigated to optimize the safe crude oil washing operation. Threats and consequences which are expected after or at the time of crude oil washing and as well as its advantages and disadvantages were analyzed. In this study, vessels at different conditions were compared to each other according to simulations and we aimed to enlighten the crude oil transportation which takes an important position in maritime sector. Under all these safety precautions, human and environmental safety requirements which need to be taken priority were investigated in detail at the time of optimization period.

Keywords: Crude oil washing, optimization, tanker safety, pollution prevention

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