Investigations on raparin obtained from Rapana venosa (Valenciennes)

Lütfi Genç, Yıldız Özsoy, Erden Güler, Orhan N. Ulutin

University of Anadolu, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Eskişehir, TURKEY
University of Istanbul, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Istanbul, TURKEY
University of Istanbul, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, TURKEY


Heparin was first isolated in 1916 from animal tissues. Raparin, heparin like substances, was isolated from Rapana venosa (Valenciennes) in 1991. In this study, raparin was extracted from hepatopankreas of Rapana venosa by three different techniques and fractionated through Sephadex G-50 Super fine column. Two fractions were obtained and their recalcification time, Heptest, Hepaclot methods and metachromatic activity were studied. All fractions showed activity in recalcification time assay and Raparin RKL10 FR I showed the greatest activity. All fractions were showed activity in Heptest but only raparin RKL10 FR II demonstrated considerable activity with Hepaclot test. Raparin RH500 Fr I showed metachromatic activity with azure A and toluidine blue dyes.

Keywords: Raparin, fractionation, biological activity assay, recalcification time, metachromatic activity


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