Oil pollution on sea water and sediments of Istanbul strait, caused by Nassia tanker accident
01/04/2019Oil pollution on sea water and sediments of Istanbul Strait, caused by Nassia tanker accident
Kasim C.Güven, Zeliha Yazici, Selma Ünlü, Erdogan Okus, Ertuğrul Doğan
Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, University of Istanbul, 34470 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY
Department of Pharmacology, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, University of Istanbul, TURKEY
Oil pollution was studied on sea water and sediments of Istanbul Strait following the Nassia tanker accident. The oil amount in the sea water and sediments was determined by UVF spectrophotometry. GC analysis was made on the sea water and on the aliphatic fractions of sediments. Oil amount found gradually decreased in sea water whereas increased in sediments after the accident.
Keywords: Istanbul Strait, Nassia tanker accident, oil pollution, sea water, sediment
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