Accumulation of arsenic in goby fish (Proterorhinus marmorathus) and the effect of detergent on the accumulation

Accumulation of arsenic in goby fish (Proterorhinus marmorathus) and the effect of detergent on the accumulation

Sayhan Topçuoğlu

Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Center, P.O. Box 1, Atatürk Airport, 34831 Istanbul, TURKEY


In this study, the accumulation of arsenic was investigated in goby fish from water pathway under laboratory conditions. The bioaccumulation rate of  74As was found to be relatively slow. The pattern of accumulation results represented by a equation of Ct=0.23 (1-e-0. 1104t). The effect of the LAS on the arsenic accumulation was also ivestigated and the result showed that the LAS had no effect significantly.

Keywords: Arsenic, accumulation, goby fish, detergent


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