12/12/2018Chemical composition of Ulva rigida C. Agardh from the Çanakkale Strait (Dardanelles), Turkey
Latife Ceyda İrkin, Hüseyin Erduğan
Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Terzioglu Campus 17020, Çanakkale, TURKEY
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Terzioglu Campus 17020-Çanakkale, TURKEY
The significant increase of the world population in recent years has encouraged researches to focus on the utilization of marine food resources together with the terrestrial ones for human consumption. Being an important source of protein and an effective source used not only as fertilizer but also in the industry with its useful chemical content makes Ulva rigida C.Agardh a target topic for research. In present study, seasonal and locational changes of the chemical compositions of U. rigida were investigated. The analyses were carried out in duplicate and seasonally (fall, winter, spring and summer). Significant differences were recorded in the findings obtained for the species collected in terms of seasons and stations.
Keywords: Macroalgae, Ulva rigida, chemical composition, Çanakkale Strait (Dardanelles)
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