12/12/2018A list of macrofauna on the continental shelf of Gökçeada Island (northern Aegean Sea) with a new record (Gryphus vitreus Born, 1778) (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellata) for the Turkish seas
Onur Gönülal, Sedat Ozan Güreşen
Gökçeada Marine Research Department, Faculty of Fisheries, Istanbul University, Gökçeada, Çanakkale,TURKEY
Long-term sampling (1974-2013) of macro fauna of the Gökçeada Island (northern Aegean Sea) provided qualitative information on many taxa including Porifera, Cnidaria Mollusca, Arthropoda, Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Spinculida, Echinodermata, Chordata. Gryphus vitreus(Brachiopoda) and Funiculina quadrangularis (Pallas, 1766) are the first records for the Turkish seas and the Aegean coast of Turkey, respectively. The present paper aims to describe macrofauna occurring on the continental shelf of Gökçeada Island. This checklist yes,was based mainly on review of the literature published since 1974 and studies conducted at Gökçeada Marine Research Department in 2007-2013. The present paper also reports a total of 10 alien species along the continental shelf of Gökçeada Island. Calinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 is one of the alien species of commercial importance.
Keywords: Macrofauna, Gökçeada, continental shelf, Gryphus vitreus
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