12/12/2018Anatomical features of Cymodocea nodosa growing in Montenegro (Adriatic Sea)
Vesna Mačić
Institute of Marine Biology, 85330, Kotor, MONTENEGRO
Compared to morphological studies of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Asch. the anatomy of this protected seagrass was poorly studied, and the anatomical features of the C. nodosa leaf were not described for the South-East Adriatic Sea at all. This study was performed on three C. nodosa meadows in the Bay of Boka Kotorska (Montenegro, Adriatic Sea) and anatomical characteristics of sheaths and leaf blades are presented. On the cross-section of the sheaths, dorsal epidermal cells are smaller compared to the ventral epidermis, while on the leaf blade epidermis, there are no significant differences between the two sides. The mesophyll is situated below the epidermis. These cells are positioned around large air lacunaes, thus the mesophyll could be also called aerenchyma tissue. Vascular bundles are reduced compared to the vascular plants and always seven vascular bundles were counted (in the sheaths and leaf blade). Between the epidermis and mesophyllum, especially close to the vascular bundles and on the edges of the leaf, mechanical tissue is situated. Many tannin cells were observed. More detailed analysis would be necessary to explain differences and to compare them with the populations from other parts of the Mediterranean basin.
Keywords: Seagrass, Cymodocea nodosa, anatomy, Adriatic, Montenegro
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