01/10/2019Catalase activity and lipid peroxidation process of the Black Sea macroalgae dominants (epiphytes and lithophytes) under different environmental conditions
Оlga Shakhmatova, Еlena Chernyshova
The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of the Southern Seas, Nakhimov av., 2, Sevastopol, CRIMEA
Catalase activity (CA) and the lipid peroxidation process (LPO) in Cystoseira phytocoenoses of the Black Sea under different environmental conditions were studied. Eleven dominants of the Black Sea macroalgae of different life forms (epiphytes and lithophytes) were investigated. It was shown that the LPO level of macroalgae changed in the conditionally clean water area over the range from 13.29±0.56 to 40.56±4.15 nM MDA/g, whereas CA level changed from 30.24 ± 5.1 to 108.67 ± 6.8 mсg Н2О2 /g·x min. The intensification of the LPO process by 27% on average was found in epiphytes macrophytes, as compared with the lithophytes. The maximum intensification was recorded in Polysiphonia subulifera, and the minimum intensification was recorded – in Callithamnion corymbosum (47 and 8.5%, respectively). The CA values of epiphytes macrophytes CA increased by 42.7% on an average as compared with lithophytes. The maximum difference between the CA indices of the epiphytes and lithophytes was recorded in C. corymbosum (59%) and the minimum one was recorded in Ceramium virgatum (10%).
Keywords: Catalase activity, lipid peroxidation process, macroalgae, epiphytes and lithophytes, household pollution, Black Sea
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