Record of reticulated leatherjacket, Stephanolepis diaspros Fraser-Brunner, 1940 (Tetradontiformes: Monacanthidae) from Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea, Turkey

Okan Akyol, Aytaç Özgül                                                              

Faculty of Fisheries, Ege University, 35440, Urla, Izmir, TURKEY


A specimen of lessepsian Stephanolepis diaspros, 177 mm in total length, was caught on 27 October 2014 by a commercial trammel net off Urla coast in Izmir Bay on sandy bottom at a depth of 6 m. This record is not only the first one but also the fifth lessepsian fish species found in Izmir Bay in the northern Aegean Sea.

Keywords: Reticulated leatherjacket, Stephanolepis diaspros, lessepsian, Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea

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