Mesozooplankton fauna and distribution in the Kızılırmak River mouth and Samsun Harbour area (Samsun, Black Sea)

Mesozooplankton fauna and distribution in the Kızılırmak River mouth and Samsun Harbour area (Samsun, Black Sea)

Eda Deniz, Arif Gönülol

Department of Biology, Science and Arts Faculty, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Kurupelit, 55139, Samsun, TURKEY


In this study, mesozooplankton fauna of the Kızılırmak River mouth and the Samsun Harbour area in the Black Sea coast of Turkey was determined. Mesozooplankton samples were collected vertically from nine sampling stations in the above area with a standard planktonnet between July 2007 and December 2008. Mesozooplankton (0.2-20 mm) groups in research stations were Copepoda (10 species), Cladocera (8 species), Appendicularia (1 species), Chaetognatha (1 species), Rotifera, Dinoflagellata (1 species), Tintinidae, Bivalvia, Ostracoda, Cirripedia, Decapoda, Gastropoda, Polychaeta, fish larvae and fish eggs. Copepoda, Cladocera, Chaetognatha, Appendicularia, Rotifera, Noctiluca scintillans and Tintinnidae were classified in holoplankton while Cirriped nauplius and cypris, Bivalvia, Decapoda, Gastropoda, Polychaeta and fishlarvae, Ostracoda and fish eggs were grouped in meroplankton. When mesozooplankton biomass values were evaluated, the highest biomass values of Copepoda and Cladocera (690.9 mg/mand 269 mg/m3) observed in station 7 while the highest biomass values of Chaetognatha, Appendicularia and Noctiluca scintillans (23 mg/m; 132 mg/m; 325.4 mg/m3) in station 6 and Rotifera and meroplankton (423.1mg/m; 383.4 mg/m3) in station 8. It is aimed to contribute to the knowledge of our biological richness by comparing differences in the density and distribution of the mesozooplankton species in relation to physico-chemical parameters.

Keywords: Black Sea, mesozooplankton, distrubution, MDS, cluster analysis


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