Diet of Raja asterias (Delaroche, 1809) caught along the Mediterranean part of the Moroccan coast (Northern Morocco)

Mint Khalil Fatimetou, Saoud Younes

Laboratory of Applied Biology and Pathology, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, EL M’hannechech Ii, Av.Sebta.Sn.Bp.2121, Cp.93002 Tetouan-MOROCCO


This study was conducted on the diet of 367 individuals and included 165 males and 202 females of Raja asterias caught between April 2013 and March 2014 at M’diq port (Mediterranean Moroccan coast). Their body size varied from 20 to 66.5 cm for males and from 20 to 72cm for females. R. asterias caught in this region showed clear preference for crustaceans and fish. The average emptiness coefficient was 29.61% and varied depending on the size and sex. We also observed dietary differences depending on the size of the animal.

Keywords: Raja asterias, feeding ecology, Mediterranean, Morocco


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