Contribution as to the study of Siphonophorae in the coastal waters of the South Adriatic

Vera Vukanic, Murat Sezgin, Stevan Čanak

Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, State University, Novi Pazar, SERBIA
Marine Biology and Ecology Department, Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop University, TURKEY
Departmant of Chemical-Technological Sciences, Agricultural Production, State University, Novi Pazar, SERBIA


Siphonophorae were collected monthly in 2009 at four stations with different hydrographic characteristics at Bay of Boka Kotorska in the Southern Adriatic. Three of these stations were placed in the shallow part of the inner bays near the shellfish farm, and four in the Bay of Kotor, Bay of Risan, Bay of Tivat and Bay of Herceg Novi. The special ecological conditions in the Bay of Boka Kotorska are reflected on taxonomic structure, distribution and abundance, both of individual species and the zooplankton as a whole. In this paper we present the hydrographic data of Boka Kotorska Bay, together with data on presence, abundance and distribution of the six species by three genera: Abylopsis tetragona (Otto), Lensia conoidaea (Keferstein-Ehlers), Lensia subtilis (Chun), Lensia fowleri (Bigelow), Lensia multicristata (Moser), Muggiaea kochi (Will) and other Siphonophorae sp. Results of this research include biological monitoring at the bay, following certain species within the zooplankton diversity and communities.

Keywords: Adriatic Sea, Boka Kotorska Bay, zooplankton, Siphonophorae


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