Serranus species in the trawl catches of the Gulf of Antalya, Turkey (Eastern Mediterranean Sea)

Elif Özgür Özbek, Turhan Kebapçioğlu, Mine Çardak

Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), P.O. Box: 10, Beykoz, Istanbul, TURKEY
Faculty of Fisheries, İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Çiğli Ana Yerleşkesi, 35620, İzmir, TURKEY
School of Applied Sciences, Department of Fisheries Technology, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17100, Çanakkale, TURKEY


A total of 116 hauls were carried out, between August 2009 and April 2010, seasonally in the Gulf of Antalya, at six stations and six depth levels (25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200 m), using a commercial bottom trawl net and 1494 individuals of Serranus cabrilla (Linnaeus, 1758), 1022 individuals of Serranus hepatus (Linnaeus, 1758) and 17 individuals of Serranus scriba (Linnaeus, 1758) were sampled. The present paper reports the spatio-temporal patterns of abundance and biomass of these three Serranus species. The frequency of occurrence was 70.69% for S. cabrilla, 68.97% for S. hepatus and 6.03% for S. scriba. The overall mean abundance and biomass were 221.11 ind./km2 and 6.93 kg/km2 for S. cabrilla; 163.47 ind./km2 and 1.84 kg/km2 for S. hepatus, and 3.10 ind./km2 and 0.15 kg/km2 for S. scriba. This study provides information on the spatio-temporal distribution of these species in the region.

Keywords: Trawl survey, abundance, biomass, spatio-temporal distribution, Serranidae


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