12/12/2018The presence of Pinna nobilis L. in the Gulf of Neum as an argument for reevaluation of its conservation status in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mirza Celebicic, Muhamed Katica, Nedzad Gradascevic
Stolacka 34, Sarajevo, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA
University of Sarajevo, Veterinary Faculty, Department of Pathophysiology, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA
University of Sarajevo, Veterinary Faculty, Department of Radiobiology with Radiation Hygiene, Biophysics & Environmental Protection, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA
The presence of the Mediterranean endemic bivalvia fan shell Pinna nobilis L. was recorded during a survey that took place in Neum Bay 37 years ago. Since then its presence has only been confirmed once although it is protected by several international protocols. The aim of this research was to collect the data that can be used for a better undersanding and preservation of P. nobilis. An area of 400 m2 was searched for individual shells by SCUBA diving. Five individuals found at a depth ranged between 3 and 9 m. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the only country on the Adriatic Sea that has not protected the fan shell by law. Further surveys must be undertaken as soon as possible, with the proper management of this habitat which hosts P. nobilis.
Keywords: Pinna nobilis, bivalvia, Neum Gulf, conservation, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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