Seasonal changes of cell volumes of four diatom species in the Iskenderun Bay, North-eastern Mediterranean Sea
Sevim Polat, G.Tamer Kayaalp
Faculty of Fisheries, University of Çukurova, 01330, Balcalı, Adana, TURKEY
Faculty of Agriculture, 01330, Balcalı, Adana, TURKEY
The cell volumes of four diatom species in the Iskenderun Bay were calculated and results hence evaluated on seasonal basis. The selected species were Thalassiothrix fraunfeldii, Hemiaulus hauckii, Guinardia flaccida and Pseudosolenia calcar-avis which commonly occur in the area. The statical analyses showed that, cell volumes of all species were different among the seasons (p<0.01) (p<0.05). Moreover, cell volumes of three species (T. fraunfeldii, P. calcar-avisand G. flaccid) were found different among locations. There were correlations of less importance between cells volumes and seawater temperature. The results of the study showed that, complex biological and environmental factors and their interactions affect the phytoplankton cell volumes.
Keywords: Phytoplankton, diatom, cell volume, cell size, north-eastern Mediterranean

Marine biodiversity of Datça-Bozburun specially protected area (Southeastern Aegean Sea, Turkey)
Erdogan Okus, Ahsen Yüksek, I. Noyan Yilmaz, Asli Aslan Yilmaz, S. Ünsal Karhan, M. Idil Öz, Nazli Demirel, Seyfettin Tas, Volkan Demir, Sibel Zeki, Ertugrul M. Koç, Umut Tural, Baki Yokes, Evrim Kalkan, Niyazi Deniz, Ziya Çaylarbasi, Eren Savut, Elif Murat
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Muskule Sok. No.1, Vefa 34470 Istanbul, TURKEY
Oceanographic and diving surveys were conducted at the largest SPA of Mediterranean basin, Datça Bozburun Specially Protected Area, in 2002-2004 periods by the Institute of Marine Sciences and Management of Istanbul University in order to determine marine biodiversity, distribution and condition of endangared or protected species and to make suggestions on management of coastal areas. Studies revealed in detection of 536 species of fauna and flora. Some problems were detected in some areas particularly around settlements. Despite of the wide coverage of Posidonia oceanica beds at the region, the invasion and distribution of Caulerpa species point out severity of problems.
Keywords: Biodiversity, specially protected area, Datça, Posidonia oceanica, Caulerpa racemosa

Metal (Pb, Cd and Hg) inputs via the rivers to the Southern Marmara Sea Shelf, Turkey
Erdogan Okus, Nuray Balkis, Edip Müftüoglu, Abdullah Aksu
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Department of Physical Oceanography and Marine Biology, Vefa 34470, Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Department of Chemical Oceanography, Vefa 34470, Istanbul, TURKEY
A chemical study of the major river waters of Southern Marmara Sea Shelf, Turkey, was carried out on the metal distributions and sources. The distribution of metals (Pb, Cd and Hg) was measured as ‘’Total’’, dissolved and in the suspended matter. The concentrations obtained show that the high metal concentrations in the Erdek Bay waters are mainly due to the land-based natural inputs from the erosion products of mineralized zones to the bay by two rivers (Biga and Gönen). However, the relatively high metal concentrations in the Gemlik Bay waters suggested some anthropogenic (domestic + industrial) inputs via the Kocasu (Susurluk) to the southern shelf. Generally dissolved metal contents are higher than in the suspended matter throughout the water column. Especially Cd contents are lower than the detection limit of the method (<0.01 µg/l) in the suspended matter except in Biga and Gönen waters.
Keywords: Metal, Marmara Sea, river, atomic absorbtion spectrophotometer

Biodiversity in western part of the Fethiye Bay
Erdogan Okus, Hüsne AltIok, Ahsen Yüksek, Noyan Yilmaz, Aslı Aslan Yılmaz, S. Ünsal Karhan, Nazlı Demirel, Edip Müftüoglu, Volkan Demir, Sibel Zeki, Evrim Kalkan, Seyfettin Taş
Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Istanbul University, TURKEY
In this study, the influence of the artificial configuration on the biota in the Marina and surrounding region in the western inner part of the Fethiye Bay by means of biodiversity and hydrographic characteristics of the region is determined. 15 SCUBA and 3 skin dives have been performed in a zigzag manner to determine the marine biodiversity and detailed distribution of the facieses and different depths and substrates were examined. There is a thin and relatively less saline surface layer rich in nutrient and organic material in the study region. This layer also contains high organic materials which indicates terrestrial input due to fecal coliform. In addition weak current velocity causes accumulating high of suspended material in the water column as visibility is very low in the bottom. According to current measurements during the study period, current velocity with 3.4cm/s is very weak, and its direction is mainly northeast and east. In these negative conditions, biodiversity and natural ecosystem of the bay is damaged in long term seriously.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Fethiye Bay, SCUBA

Diatom increase in phytoplankton community observed in winter in the north-eastern Marmara Sea (Beylikdüzü)
Erdogan Okus, Seyfettin Taş
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Muskule Sok. No.1, Vefa 34470 Istanbul, TURKEY
In this study, a diatom increase in the phytoplankton community in the north-east part of Sea of Marmara was observed in winter (upper layer water temperature between 7-9°C and salinity between 22-24 psu). In the water samples were determined a total of 45 phytoplankton taxa from the four algae classes. Most of these taxa (94 %) were composed of dinoflagellates and diatoms and other organisms parts were silicoflagellates and euglenoid flagellate species. The most common species from diatoms were Proboscia alata f. alata (Brightwell) Sundström, from dinoflagellates Ceratium fusus (Ehrenberg) Dujardin. The diatom Proboscia alata f. alata was quantitatively the dominant species in the phytoplankton community. The highest cell density was measured about 185 x 103 cells l-1.It is noticeable that diatoms were more dominant than other phytoplankton species.
Keywords: Phytoplankton, diatom, Proboscia alata, north-eastern Marmara Sea

Diatom increase in phytoplankton community observed in winter in the north-eastern Marmara Sea (Beylikdüzü)
Erdogan Okus, Seyfettin Tas
Biodiversity in Western part of the Fethiye Bay
Erdogan Okus, Hüsne Altiok, Ahsen Yüksek, Noyan Yilmaz, Asli Aslan Yilmaz, S. Ünsal Karhan, Nazli Demirel, Edip Müftüoglu, Volkan Demir, Sibel Zeki, Evrim Kalkan, Seyfettin Tas
Metal (Pb, Cd and Hg) inputs via the rivers to the Southern Marmara Sea Shelf, Turkey
Erdogan Okus, Nuray Balkis, Edip Müftüoglu, Abdullah Aksu
Marine biodiversity of Datça-Bozburun specially protected area (Southeastern Aegean Sea, Turkey)
Erdogan Okus, Ahsen Yüksek, I. Noyan Yilmaz, Asli Aslan Yilmaz, S. Ünsal Karhan, M. Idil Öz, Nazli Demirel, Seyfettin Tas, Volkan Demir, Sibel Zeki, Ertugrul M. Koç, Umut Tural, Baki Yokes, Evrim Kalkan, Niyazi Deniz, Ziya Çaylarbasi, Eren Savut, Elif Murat
The palynological analysis of surface samples from the Western Rough Clicia (Alanya, Gazipaşa)
Hülya Caner, Nicholas K. Rauh, LuuAmn Wandsnider
Phytoplankton composition of south east Black Sea coast
A. Muzaffer Feyzioğlu, Kadir Seyhan
Geochemistry of heavy metals in the Moroccan Atlantic coastline (Area of Safi City)
S. Bouasria, O. Sadki, L, Benaabidate, H. Oummaggard, N. Hamoumi
Seasonal changes of cell volumes of four diatom species in the Iskenderun Bay, North-eastern Mediterranean Sea
Sevim Polat, G.Tamer Kayaalp
Application of the Talwani modeling method to the magnetic data of Sinop and its surrounding
Sinan Demirel, Fatih Adatepe