The role of reference crude oils used in the determination of oil amount in sediments by UVF

Kasım Cemal Güven, Filiz Nesimigil

Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Science and Management, Müşküle Sok. 1 Vefa, İstanbul, TURKEY


In this work the influence of oil amount in sediment was determined using various reference oils by UVF. 15 reference oils which were transported from the Black Sea used for plotting of standard curve. The differences of oil amount found through reference oil equations were varied in sediment as 17.0-28.1 % in wet weight, 13.4-14.1 % in oven, 12.2-26.2 in freeze dryer. These results showed that reference oils have an important role on the amount of oil in sediment. In the determination of oil pollution, the pollutant oil must be used in the analysis as references for each time.

Keywords: Sediment, reference oil, UVF

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The formation of beachrock on the North Cyprus Coast

T. Ahmet Ertek , A. Evren Erginal, Mustafa Bozcu, Gülen Türker

Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Geography, 34459, Laleli, Istanbul, TURKEY
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Geography, Terzioğlu Campus, 17020, Canakkale, TURKEY
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Geological Engineering, Terzioğlu Campus, 17020, Çanakkale, TURKEY
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Chemistry, Terzioğlu Campus, 17020, Canakkale, TURKEY


Beachrocks were determined along the northern coasts of Cyprus Island. Their petrographic composition and nature of cementation were studied based mainly on detailed field descriptions, thin section interpretations and ICP-AES analyses. The present findings show that beachrocks take place preferentially on beaches backed by coastal sand dunes and marine terraces, but exceptionally on tectonically uplifted wave-cut platforms. Beachrocks show an enrichment of sand and gravel derived from Troodos massive and Girne range. Commonly, cementation has been likely occurred in the salt water-fresh water mixing zone.

Keywords: Beachrock; intertidal cementation; coastal geomorphology; Cyprus Island; Mediterranean Sea

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The influence of drying technique on oil pollution amount in sediments

Filiz Nesimigil, Kasım Cemal Güven

Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Science and Management, Müşküle Sok. Vefa, İstanbul, TURKEY


In this paper was investigated the influence of drying technique on oil amount in sediments. Drying techniques used for sediments were oven at 60°C or freeze dryer. For the comparison of the results wet and dried of sediments the highest oil pollution level was found in freeze drying technique. The comparison of the oil amount found in freeze drying sediment are 20 time fold wet weight method and two time fold oven method. The best results were obtained for freeze dryer method in tested techniques. Instead of the results showed that a seriouse lack exist for the determination of oil concentration in sediment.

Keywords: Sediment, wet/dried weight, oil determination

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Investigation of land use and coastline changes on the Kepez Delta using remote sensing

C. Akbulak, A. E. Erginal, A. Gönüz, B. Öztürk, C. Z. Çavuş

Department of Geography, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17100 Çanakkale, TURKEY
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17100 Çanakkale, TURKEY


This paper presents land use features and coastline changes on the Kepez Delta between 1962 and 2005 by using remote sensing, aerial photograph interpretations and field observations. Rapid increase of population of the Kepez town from 1935 to 2000 fits with a growth of 24 times, resulting in continual expansion (~23 times) of residential areas on fertile farming lands. The sprawling of summer houses in the Dardanos area to the south threatens agricultural lands and the coastal ecosystem on a large scale. Coastline changes occurred as result of natural morpho-dynamic processes and human involvement in the past 43 years. These changes are characterized by seaward progradation (sediment accumulation) of about 40 m and coastal retrogradation (marine erosion) of 20 m at various parts of the coastline.

Keywords: Land use, coastline change, remote sensing, Kepez delta

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The exclusive economic zone debates in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and fisheries

Bayram Öztürk, Sertaç Hami Başeren

İstanbul University, Faculty of Fisheries, Ordu cad. No.200, Laleli, İstanbul, TURKEY
Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Dış kapı, Ankara, TURKEY


Delimitation and proclamations of the Exclusive Economic Zone in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea is important issue for several reasons for the bordering nations. The Mediterranean Sea is unique case due to geographical characteristics and some conflicts already existed on maritime delimitations among some nations. It’s a matter of fact that; all States will have to reach agreement, regarding proclamations of the delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Equitable and reasonable principals and solutions are needed for the delimitation of maritime areas.  Turkey has 1577 km long coastline in the Mediterranean Sea starting from Fethiye to Samandag border up to Syria. 1851 fishing boats fishing in the territorial waters and high sea areas. Turkey could not accepted de facto EEZ proclamations due to damage vital economical interests in the eastern Mediterranean Sea as limiting fishing rights in the high seas. Besides, the mineral and oil resources in the high seas are also substantial matter.  Turkey already has conduct a scientific programme protection of the eastern Mediterranean in term of prevention of the marine pollution, invasive species, monitoring of the impacts of the climate change to the marine biodiversity, cetaceans protection, establishing high sea marine protected areas, IIU fisheries and others. International cooperation, compromise, consensus and concerted action are needed for the sustainable exploitation of the living resources and protection of the vulnerable Mediterranean environment. Probable Turkish EEZ borders in Eastern Mediterranean region are presented on a map.

Keywords: Eastern Mediterranean Sea, exclusive economic zone, living resources managements, high seas

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A survey of marine algae and seagrasses of İstanbul, (Turkey)

V. Aysel, H. Erduğan, B. Dural, E.Ş. Okudan

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, Çanakkale, TURKEY
Aegean University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, İzmir, TURKEY
Akdeniz University Engineering Faculty Department of Environmental Engineering Antalya, TURKEY


In this research, have been studied marine algae in the upper infralittoral zone of the Bosphorus coasts of İstanbul (including Bosphorus) . A total of 244 taxon have been determined. 11 of them belong to blue-green bacteria (Cyanophyta), 127 to red algae (Rhodophyta), 46 to brown algae (Heterokontophyta), 60 to green algae (Chlorophyta) and 2 to flowering plants (Tracheophyta).

Keywords: Algae, İstanbul, Turkey

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No.14 – 2008 – No.2

The exclusive economic zone debates in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and fisheries
Bayram Öztürk, Sertaç Hami Başeren

Investigation of land use and coastline changes on the Kepez Delta using remote sensing
C. Akbulak, A. E. Erginal, A. Gönüz, B. Öztürk, C. Z. Çavuş

The influence of drying technique on oil pollution amount in sediments
Filiz Nesimigil, Kasım Cemal Güven

The formation of beachrock on the North Cyprus Coast
T. Ahmet Ertek , A. Evren Erginal, Mustafa Bozcu, Gülen Türker

The role of reference crude oils used in the determination of oil amount in sediments by UVF
K.C. Güven, F. Nesimigil

A survey of marine algae and seagrasses of İstanbul, (Turkey)
V. Aysel, H. Erduğan, B. Dural, E.Ş. Okudan