Mediterranean and Black Sea marine halacarids (Halacaridae: Acari): A review

Mediterranean and Black Sea marine halacarids (Halacaridae: Acari): A review

Furkan Durucan

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6168-2135

Department of Aquaculture, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Isparta, 32260, TURKEY


The information of marine halacarid fauna and research history are reviewed using 76 published papers on the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. In total, 105 marine halacarid species belonging to 25 genera have been recorded till now from the region. Additionally, a genus level key to Mediterranean and Black Sea halacarid species is presented.

Keywords: Prostigmata, meiofauna, halacarid mites, species diversity, Mediterranean, Black Sea

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Unusual mass mortality of jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo on the coast of the Sea of Marmara in December 2020

Unusual mass mortality of jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo on the coast of the Sea of Marmara in December 2020

İlayda Destan Öztürk, Selin Gamze Sümen

ORCID IDs: İ.D.Ö. 0000-0001-8915-6236; S.G.S 0000-0002-9845-1306

Department of Physical Oceanography and Marine Biology, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, İstanbul University, İstanbul, TURKEY
Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), P.O. Box 10, Beykoz, İstanbul, TURKEY
Department of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine, Kartal Dr. Lutfi Kırdar Training and Research Hospital, University of Health Sciences, İstanbul, TURKEY


This study presents the unusual mass mortality of Rhizostoma pulmo occurred on the coast of İstanbul in the Sea of Marmara in the first week of December 2020. The density of dead R. pulmo was 45±5 ind./m2 in the area and the mean diameter was 24.3 cm. The role of physical parameters, marine pollution, nutrient influx, climate change, overfishing, invasive species on jellyfish blooms and its effect on human health are discussed briefly in this study.

Keywords: Barrel jellyfish, Sea of Marmara, gelatinous organisms, bloom, circulation system

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First record of the snake blenny, Ophidion rochei Müller, 1845 (Actinopterygii: Ophidiiformes: Ophidiidae), from the Sea of Azov

First record of the snake blenny, Ophidion rochei Müller, 1845 (Actinopterygii: Ophidiiformes: Ophidiidae), from the Sea of Azov

Oleg A. Diripasko, Viktoriia D. Hetmanenko, Vladislav I. Kyrychenko

ORCID IDs: O.A.D. 0000-0001-9267-5504; V.D.H. 0000-0002-2167-7331; V.I.K. 0000-0002-7535-0078

Institute of Fisheries and Marine Ecology, Berdyansk, UKRAINE


The first record of an Atlantic origin species, the Roche’s snake blenny Ophidion rochei Müller, 1845, in the Black Sea is provided from the south-east Sea of Azov. Its appearance in the Sea of Azov can be explained by the increase in water salinity of the sea in recent years.

Keywords: Black Sea, Kerch Strait, first record, distribution, marine fish

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Zhukova, S.V., Shishkin, V.M., Kuropatkin, A.P., Lutynskaya, L.A., Burlachko, D.S., Karmanov, V.G., Podmareva, N.I., Fomenko, I.F., Bezrukavaya, E.A. (2015) Regularities of formation of the salinity regime of the Sea of Azov in the modern period. In: Some Problems on Biodiversity Conservation of Aquatic Biocenoses: Proceedings of the International Conference, November, 27, 2015, Rostov-on-Don, (eds., Bugaev, L.A, Voikina, A.V.). FGBNU, AzNIIRKH Publishing, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. (in Russian).



Live stranded fin whale Balaenoptera physalus in Libyan waters reported via social media platform

Live stranded fin whale Balaenoptera physalus in Libyan waters reported via social media platform

Jamila Rizgalla

 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5699-5321

Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, LIBYA


A live movie was streamed by a recreational fisherman on social media on 2 August 2020 featuring a fin whale Balaenoptera physalus stranded alive off the coast of Bomba Bay, 70 km east of Derna, Libya. This short note highlights the importance of social media for recording and monitoring marine megafauna in remote and scarcely-surveyed regions.

Keywords: Citizen Science, megafauna, surveillance, live stream, parasites

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Rossi, A., Panigada, S., Arrigoni, M., Zanardelli, M., Cimmino,C., Marangi, L., Manfredi, P., Santangelo, G. (2014) Demography and conservation of the Mediterranean fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus): what clues can be obtained from photo-identification data. Theor Biol Forum 107(1-2): 123-142.

SPA/RAC (2013) 01/13: Two cetacean strandings in Libyan coast. Available at: (accessed 9 Aug 2020).

Cotylorhiza erythraea Stiasny, 1920 (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Cepheidae): a new lessepsian jellyfish in the Lebanese waters, the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Cotylorhiza erythraea Stiasny, 1920 (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Cepheidae): a new lessepsian jellyfish in the Lebanese waters, the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Ali Badreddine, Ghazi Bitar

ORCID IDs: A.B. 0000-0003-4576-7400; G.B. 0000-0003-0270-5613

Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, Hadath, Beirut, LEBANON


The Indo-Pacific jellyfish Cotylorhiza erythraea Stiasny, 1920 is reported for the first time from the Lebanese waters. The species was observed and photographed by a professional diver on 28 July 2020 at a depth of 5 m in Tyre, south of Lebanon. The present note presents details about this observation.

Keywords: Indo-Pacific jellyfish, Cotylorhiza erythraea, Mediterranean Sea, Lebanese waters

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Badreddine, A. (2018) Les écosystèmes côtiers du littoral libanais: état écologique, évolution, conservation. Doctoral thesis, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, 218pp.

Bariche, M., Fricke, R. (2020) The marine ichthyofauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, history, biogeography, and conservation status. Zootaxa 4775(1): 001-157.

Bitar, G., Badreddine, A. (2019) First record of Marivagia stellata Galil and Gershwin, 2010 (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Cepheidae) from the Lebanese waters in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Black Sea/Medit Environ 25(2): 172-177.

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Dailianis, T., Akyol, O., Babali, N., Bariche, M., Crocetta, F., Gerovasileiou, V., Chanem, R., Gokoğlu, M., Hasiotis, T., Izquierdo-Muñoz, A., Julian, D., Katsanevakis, S., Lipez, L., Mancini, E., Mytilineou, C., Ounifi Ben Amor, K., Ozgul, A., Ragkousis, M., Rubio-Portillo, E., Servello, G., Sini, K., Stamouli, C., Sterioti, A., Teker, S., Tiralongo, F., Trkov, D. (2016) New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (July 2016). Mediterranean Marine Science 17(2): 608-626.

Daly Yahia, M.N., Daly Yahia, O.K., Maite Gueroun, S.K., Aissi, M., Deidun, A., Fuentes, V., Piraino, S. (2013) The invasive tropical scyphozoan Rhopilema nomadica Galil, 1990 reaches the Tunisian coast of the Mediterranean Sea. BioInvasions Records 2(4): 319-323.

Deidun, A., Sciberras, J., Sciberras, A., Gauci, A., Balistreri, P., Salvatore, A., Piraino, S. (2017) The first record of the white-spotted Australian jellyfish Phyllorhiza punctata von Lendenfeld, 1884 from Maltese waters (western Mediterranean) and from the Ionian coast of Italy. BioInvasions Records 6(2): 119-124.

Douek, J., Paz, G., Rinkevich, B., Gevili, R., Galil, B.S. (2020) First record of a non-native pelagiid jellyfish (Scyphozoa: Pelagiidae: Chrysaora) in the easternmost Mediterranean Sea. BioInvasions Records (in press) 9.

Dragičević, B., Anadoli, O., Angel, D., Benabdi, M., Bitar, G., Castriota, L., Crocetta, F., Deidun, A., Dulčić, J., Edelist, D., Gerovasileiou, V., Giacobbe, S., Goruppi, A., Guy-Haim, T., Konstantinidis, E., Kuplik, Z., Langeneck, J., Macali, A., Manitaras, I., Michailidis, N., Michaloudi, E., Ovalis, P., Perdikaris, C., Pillon, R., Piraino, S., Renda, W., Rizgalla, J., Spinelli, A., Tempesti, J., Tiralongo, F., Tirelli, V., Tsiamis, K., Turan, C., Uygur, N., Zava, B., Zenetos, A. (2019) New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records 2019. Mediterranean Marine Science 20(3): 645-656.

Galil, B.S., Gershwin, L.A., Zorea, M., Rahav, A., Rothman, S.B-S., Fine, M., Lubinevsky, H., Douek, J., Paz, G., Rinkevich, B. (2017) Cotylorhiza erythraea Stiasny, 1920 (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Cepheidae), yet another erythraean jellyfish from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Marine Biodiversity 47: 229-235.

Kousteni, V., Bakiu, R., Benhmida, A., Crocetta, F., Di Martino, V., Dogrammatzi, A., Doumpas, N., Durmishaj, S., Giovos, I., Gökoğlu, M., Huseyinoglu, M., Jimenez, C., Kalogirou, S., Kleitou, P., Lipej, L., Macali, A., Petani, A., Petović, S., Prato, E., Fernando, R., Sghaier, Y., Stancanelli, B., Teker, S., Tiralongo, F., Trkov, D. (2019) New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records 2019. Mediterranean Marine Science 20(1): 230-247.

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Langeneck, J., Crocetta, F., Doumpas, N., Giovos, I., Piraino, S., Boero, F. (2019) First record of the non-native jellyfish Chrysaora cf. achlyos (Cnidaria: Pelagiidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. BioInvasions Records 8(3): 608-613.

Mamish, S., Durgham, H., Ikhtiyar, S. (2019) First record of Porpita porpita Linnaeus, 1758 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) on the Syrian coast of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. SSRG International Journal of Agriculture & Environmental Science (SSRG – IJAES) 6(2): 2394-2568.

Mizrahi, G.A., Shemesh, E., Ofwegen, L., Tchernov, D. (2015) First record of Aequorea macrodactyla (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from the Israeli coast of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, an alien species indicating invasive pathways. NeoBiota 26: 55-70.

Mutlu, R., Cagatay, I.T., Olguner, M.T., Yilmaz, H.E. (2020) A new sea-nettle from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: Chrysaora pseudoocellata sp. nov. (Scyphozoa: Pelagiidae). Zootaxa 4790(2): 229-244.

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RAC/SPA – UNEP/MAP. (2014) Ecological Characterization of Sites of Interest for Conservation in Lebanon: Enfeh Peninsula, Ras Chekaa Cliffs, Raoucheh, Saida, Tyre and Nakoura. (Eds., Ramos-Esplá, A.A., Bitar, G., Khalaf, G., El Shaer, H., Forcada, A., Limam, A., Oscar, O., Sghaier, Y.R., Valle, C.) RAC/SPA MedMPAnet Project, Tunis.

Scorrano, S., Aglieri, G., Boero, F., Dawson, M. N., Piraino, S. (2017) Unmasking Aurelia species in the Mediterranean Sea: an integrative morphometric and molecular approach. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 180(2): 243-267.

Stern, N., Badreddine, A., Bitar, G., Crocetta, F., Deidun, A., Dragičević, B., Dulčić, J., Durgham, H., Galil, B.S., Galiya, M.Y., Ikhtiyar, S., Izquiredo-Muño, A., Kassar, A., Lombardo, A., Lubinevsky, H., Masalles, D., Othman, R.M., Oussellam, M., Pešιć, V., Pipitone, C., Ramos-Esplá, A.A., Rilov, G., Rothman, S.B.S, Selfati, M., Tiralongo, F., Turker, A., Ugarković, P., Yapici, S., Zava, V. (2019) New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (July 2019). Mediterranean Marine Science 20(2): 409-426.

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Zenetos, A., Gofas, S., Verlaque, M., Çinar, M., Garcia Raso, J., Bianchi, C., Morri, C., Azzurro, E., Bileçenoglu, M., Froglia, C., Siokou, I., Violanti, D., Sfriso, A., San Martin, G., Giangrande, A., Katagan, T., Ballesteros, E., Ramos-Esplá, A., Mastrototaro, F., Ocaña, O., Zingone, A., Gambi, M., Streftaris, N. (2010) Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part I. Spatial distribution. Mediterranean Marine Science 11(2): 381.


First record of Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae) from the Algerian coast, western Mediterranean Sea

First record of Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae) from the Algerian coast, western Mediterranean Sea

Vincenzo Di Martino, Bessy Stancanelli

ORCID IDs: V.D.M. 0000-0002-5987-0954; B.S. 0000-0001-7126-0633

CNR/ISAFOM; via Empedocle n° 58; 95128 Catania, ITALY
Aqua Stories; via Vampolieri n° 25; 95022 Aci Catena, ITALY


The tufted ghost crab, Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758), is the only Ocypodidae species present in the Mediterranean Sea and is widely distributed in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Basin. In recent decades, this species has extended its Mediterranean distribution area by colonizing Sicilian, Maltese, Libya and Tunisian coastlines in the central Mediterranean. The present study reports the first record of the species for the Algerian coast in the western Mediterranean.

Keywords: Ocypode cursor, Mediterranean Sea, Algeria, protected species

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Deidun, A., Crocetta, F., Sciberras, A., Sciberras, J., Insacco, G., Zava, B. (2017) The protected taxon Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae) documenting its well-established presence in the central Mediterranean. The European Zoological Journal 84(1): 96-103.

Karaa, S., Jrijer, J., Bradai, M.N. Jribi, I (2019) New record of Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae) from the Tunisian coasts, the central Mediterranean Sea. J Black Sea / Medit Environ 25 (1): 101-107.

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Vecchioni, L., Marrone, F., Deidun, A., Adepo-Gourene, B., Froglia, C., Sciberras, A., Bariche, M., Burak, A.Ç., Foka-Corsini, M., Arculeo, M. (2019) DNA taxonomy confirms the identity of widely-disjunct Mediterranean and Atlantic populations of the tufted ghost crab Ocypode cursor (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae). Zool Sci 36(4): 322-329.

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On the presence of the black wing flyingfish Hirundichthys rondeletii (Valenciennes, 1846) in the Lebanese waters, the eastern Mediterranean Sea

On the presence of the black wing flyingfish Hirundichthys rondeletii (Valenciennes, 1846) in the Lebanese waters, the eastern Mediterranean Sea

Ghazi Bitar, Ali Badreddine

ORCID IDs: G.B. 0000-0003-0270-5613; A.B. 0000-0003-4576-7400

 Faculty of Sciences, Lebanese University, Hadath, Beirut, LEBANON


The presence of the black wing flyingfish Hirundichthys rondeletii (Valenciennes, 1846) was reported for the first time from the Lebanese waters. It was caught by a professional fisherman in Beirut on 27 December 2009. The present note reports details about this record.

Keywords: Flyingfish, record, Lebanese waters, eastern Mediterranean

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Abu Amra, H.E. (2018) A Survey of Marine Bony Fishes of the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Thesis at Islamic University of Gaza. 110 p.

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Álvarez, I., Rodríguez, J.M., Catalán, I.A., Hidalgo, M., Álvarez-Berastegui, D., Balbín, R., Aparicio-González, A., Alemany, F. (2015) Larval fish assemblage structure in the surface layer of the northwestern Mediterranean under contrasting oceanographic scenarios. Journal of Plankton Research 37(4): 834-850.

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Trophic interactions of uncommon batoid species in the Sea of Marmara

Trophic interactions of uncommon batoid species in the Sea of Marmara

Güzin Gül, Nazli Demirel

ORCID IDs: G.G. 0000-0001-5888-3211; N.D. 0000-0003-4542-9276

Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, İstanbul University, TURKEY


The feeding habits and trophic levels of three uncommon batoid species (Dasyatis pastinaca, Myliobatis aquila, Torpedo marmorata) were investigated in the Sea of Marmara, with two different methodical approaches: stomach content analysis and stable isotope analysis. The stomach contents indicated that the teleost species is the most important prey group for D. pastinaca and T. marmorata, while Mollusca is the main prey group for M. aquila. Niche breadths were calculated 0.54 for D. pastinaca while 0.29 for M. aquila. No significant diet overlap was detected between D. pastinaca and M. aquila (0.21) based on Pianka index. δ15N muscle and δ15N liver values statistically differed between D. pastinaca and M. aquila (Fpseudomuscle=33.736, p=0.03; Fpseudoliver= 26.173, p= 0.01). The trophic levels were 4.20±0.73 for D. pastinaca, 4.04±0.63 for M. aquila and for T. marmorata 4.46±0.79 by stomach content analysis. The trophic levels of species from stable isotope analysis by δ15N were calculated as 3.67 for T. marmorata, 3.32 for D. pastinaca and 2.56 for M. aquila. The difference in trophic levels may be explained by long-term and short-term feeding strategy of these species. Torpedo marmorata and M. aquila have higher δ15N values compared to samples from other regions of the Mediterranean.

Keywords: Elasmobranchii, stomach content analysis, stable isotope analysis, trophic levels, diet overlap, niche breadth

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Niphates toxifera (Porifera, Demospongiae), a possible Lessepsian species now colonizing the coast of Turkey

Niphates toxifera (Porifera, Demospongiae), a possible Lessepsian species now colonizing the coast of Turkey

Alper Evcen, Bülent Gözcelioğlu, Melih Ertan Çinar

ORCID IDs: A.E. 0000-0003-1134-2551; B.G. 0000-0003-1835-2701; M.E.Ç. 0000-0002-1802-2801

Faculty of Fisheries, Ege University, 35100, Bornova, İzmir, TURKEY
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Marine and Inland Waters Unit of the Environment and Cleaner Production Institute, Gebze, Kocaeli, TURKEY
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Science and Society Division, Ankara, TURKEY


This paper deals with the occurrence of Niphates toxifera (Porifera) on the Levantine coast of Turkey. This species was originally described from the coast of Lebanon and was known to be confined to a restricted area (Beirut-Syria-Israel). In February 2019, three specimens of this species were photographed and collected at 10-15 m on rocks (including cave walls) off Samandağ, near İskenderun Bay (north-east Levantine Sea), indicating its northwards spread. The distributional pattern and on-going range expansion trend of this species indicate the possibility of a Lessepsian species. This species is also a new record for the marine fauna of Turkey. The morphological and distributional features of the species are presented.

Keywords: Sponges, alien species, biodiversity, distribution, Levantine Sea, Turkey, eastern Mediterranean

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MARİNE MOLLUSCA of the Libyan waters, the southern Mediterranean Sea

Marine Mollusca of the Libyan waters, the southern Mediterranean Sea

Nairuz Bek-Benghazi, Abdalha Al-Mgoushi, Daw Hadoud, Esmail Shakman

ORCID IDs: N.BB: 0000-0003-2182-3674; A.AM: 0000-0001-7209-039X; D.H: 0000-0001-8317-939X; E.S: 0000-0003-2422-7915

Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Tripoli University, LIBYA
Marine Biology Research Centre, Tripoli, LIBYA


This study presents an inventory of the marine Mollusca species in Libya and aims at identifying the diversity of them along the Libyan coast, as well as collecting the information about the distribution by using unpublished data of scientific surveys and technical reports as well as samples which were collected along the Libyan coast during two periods (January 2005 to March 2006 and January 2013 to January 2017). The results of this work show that a total of 344 marine Mollusca species belonging to 114 families were distributed mostly along the western coast. Gastropoda had the most numerous species, represented with 188 species (54.39% of total species), and followed by Bivalvia (30.70%). The majority of native species (94.9%) were distributed along the Libyan coasts, whereas most of the non-indigenous species (5.1%) were distributed in the Gulf of Sirt (15.79%). This combined approach allowed to gather a more complete representation of non-indigenous species along the Libyan coast, which should be considered in future monitoring programs. This paper is the first attempt to fill the gap of knowledge about these species in the southeastern Mediterranean coast.

Keywords: Marine Mollusca, Libyan coast, southern Mediterranean Sea, biodiversity

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