The ostracods species collected from coasts of the Gökçeada (Imbroz) Island (Aegean Sea)
Mustafa Kılıç, Selçuk Altınsaçlı, Hüsamettin Balkıs, Neslihan Balkıs
University of Istanbul, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 34459 Vezneciler, Istanbul, TURKEY
In this study, material was collected from coasts of Gokceada Island on 26 and 27 July 1997. The materials collected from 7 stations were evaluated, 10 species and 1 subspecies (Eucypris inflata, Callistocythere meditarranea, Aurila prasina, Cyprideis torosa, Eucytheritsa bulgarica, Loxoconcha pontica, Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Loxoconcha tumida, Xestoleberis corneli, Xestoleberis aurantia acutipenis, Paradoxostoma intermedium) belonging to 8 genera were determined.
Keywords: Gökçeada, Aegean Sea, ostracods species, fauna
The macrobenthic fauna of Sırakaraağaçlar Stream flowing into the Black Sea at Akliman, Sinop
Levent Bat, Mehmet Akbulut, Mehmet Çulha, Murat Sezgin
University of Ondokuz Mayis, Sinop. Fisheries Faculty, Department of Basic Science, 57000 Sinop, TURKEY
In the present ‘study carried out between July 1997 and June 1998, samples of macrobenthic fauna were collected at Akliman (Sinop) where Sırakaraağaçlar Stream flowed into the Black Sea. The physical parameters of water were measured, Sea, brackish water and fresh water species were determined, 39 in total including Mollusca, Insecta (larvae), Crustaceae, Polychaeta, Hirudinae and Turbellaria, The first. sampling station was chosen at the mouth of the Sırakaraağaçlar Stream. The results show that the Mollusc Fauna was predominant in respect to species diversity, while the species belonging to Insects larvae, Crustaceae and Polychaeta Classis were in minority. The second and third stations were chosen at the inner place from the mouth of Sırakaraağaçlar Stream near its spring. Insecta larvae was predominant in respect to species diversity, whereas the species belonging to Mollusca fauna, Crustaceae, Polychaeta, Hirudinae and Turbellaria Classis were in minority. Thus, the most predominant species in Sırakarağaçlar Stream were identified as euriform and found in less flowing part of the stream.
Keywords: Black Sea, Sırakaraağaçlar Stream, mouth of stream region, macrobenthic fauna
The significance of international legislation in integrated coastal zone management
Nesrin Algan
University of Ankara, Faculty of Political Sciences, 06590 Ankara, TURKEY
The pressure and deterioration created by unsustainable development activities are still threatening fragile ecosystems of the coastal zones at a global scale. This study aimed to conceptually handle integrated coastal zone management as a proposed solution to the global problem. Following an analysis pertaining to the progress in the conceptual framework, the study discusses the respective legislation developed within the multi-lateral international relations system. The discussion includes an analysis of the basic principles and mechanisms that such legislation is based on. Legislative instruments are assessed in terms of their levels – global or regional- as well as their direct or indirect involvement of coastal zone management.
Keywords: Coastal management; area zone, legislation, conventions, arrangements
Hydroid polyps of the Bosphorus
Serhat Albayrak, Neslihan Balkıs
Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology 34459 Vezneciler, Istanbul, TURKEY
This study was carried out in order to determine hydroid polyp species present in the Bosphorus and some ecological properties of. these species. Samples were collected at 19 stations from depths ranging 0.5- 60 m by using spatula, beam-trawl and dredge. As a result of this study, 14 species belonging to 10 genera and 6 families were determined and 4 species among them (Tubularia cf. indivisa Linnaeus, 1758, Halecium beanii (Johnston, 1838), Halecium labrosum Alder, 1859, Laomedea exigua M. Sars, 1857) were seen to be new records for the fauna of the Bosphorus, according to present literature.
Keywords: Bosphorus, hydroid polyp, zoobenthos.
Preliminary studies on the marine vegetation of northern Cyprus
Sükran Cirik, Veysel Aysel, H. Avni Benli, Bülent Cihangir, Aydin Ünlüoğlu
Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Marine Science and Technology, 35340 Inciraltı, Izmir, TURKEY
Ege University Faculty of Science, Department of Botany, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, TURKEY
These preliminary studies were mainly carried out on the marine vegetation of the upper littoral zone of northern Cyprus. A total of 151 taxa (Cyanophyceae 11, Rhodophyceae 83, Fucophyceae 27, Chlorophyceae 25, Liliopsida 5) were determined.
Keywords: Marine vegetation, algae, northern Cyprus
Mothocya epimerica Costa,1851 (Flabellifera: Cymothoidae), an isopod parasite in the branchial cavities of the Black Sea Silverfish Atherina boyeri Risso,1810 (Perciformes, Atherinidae)
Ahmet Öktener, Murat Sezgin
University of Ondokuz Mayis, Fisheries Faculty, Division of Basic Sciences 57000 Sinop, TURKEY
A new record of parasitic isopod for the Turkish Fauna, Mothocya epimerica Costa, 1851 (Flabellifera: Cymothoidae) is reported from silverfish Atherina boyeri in the Black Sea. The female isopod settles on the fish’s branchial cavities. The characteristic features of Mothocya epimerica Costa, 1851 are given for the first time based on the drawings made from collected specimens.
Keywords: Cymothoid, parasitic isopod, Mothocya epimerica, Atherina boyeri, Black Sea
Biochemical investigation and heavy metal contents of Cladophora dalmatica Kütz and Ceramium ciliatum (Ellis) Ducl. var robusturn (J.Ag.) from Aegean Sea (Turkish Coast)
Vildan Çetingül, Veysel Aysel, Yesim Kurumlu-Kuran
Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Bornova, Izmir, TURKEY
Pamukkale University, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Department of Biology, Denizli, TURKEY
The levels of heavy metal accumulation and chemical composition of Cladophora dalmatica and Ceramium ciliatum var. robustum were analyzed in this investigation. The samples were collected at Yeni Sakran Bay at the north side of the gulf of Izmir. It was found that the amounts of water, protein and fats of C. ciliatum var. robustum were, higher than in Cl. dalmatica, grown in the same environment. The contents c i ash, P, K and Ca were higher in Cl. dalmatica than in C. ciliatum var. robustum. while the contents of Na and Mg of C. ciliatum var. robustum were higher than in Cl. dalmatica. Although Fe, one of the heavy metals, accumulated similarly in both algae, Cu and Zn levels were higher in Cl. dalmatica, while Mn level higher in C. ciliatum var. robustum. The accumulation of the heavy metals was ranked as Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu, for both groups. Additionally, the physico-chemical parameters of environmental water were determined.
Keywords: Cladophora dalmatica, Ceramium ciliatum var. robustum biochemical analysis, heavy metal
Oil pollution of eastern Mediterranean Sea, south of Turkey
Isik Bıldacı, Selma Ünlü, Kasım Cemal Güven
Hacettepe University, Environmental Research Center, Ankara, TURKEY
University of Istanbul, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Vefa, 34470, Istanbul, TURKEY
In our earlier work oil pollution of east Turkish Mediterranean area was determined before and after service of Iraq -Yumurtalik export pipeline in 1997. In this paper oil pollution amount is given in the same area in 1999. The highest pollution was found as 2690 µg/L at Botaş and 629.60 µg/L at Mersin. The determination was made by using Iraqian and Iranian crude oils as reference material. The oil amount was found lower when chrysene was used as a reference. The low amount of oil pollution measured by earlier workers in the same area can be attributed to this fact. The use of polluting crude oil as reference material gives reliable results to determine oil pollution.
Keywords: Oil pollution, eastern Mediterranean Sea, crude oil, chrysene
Oil pollution of eastern Mediterranean Sea, south of Turkey
Işık Bildaci, Selma Ünlü, Kasım Cemal Güven
Biochemical investigation and heavy metal contents of Cladophora dalmatica Kütz and Ceramium ciliatum (Ellis) Ducl. var robusturn (J.Ag.) from Aegean Sea (Turkish Coast)
Vildan Çetingül, Veysel Aysel, Yesim Kurumlu-Kuran
Mothocya epimerica Costa,1851 (Flabellifera: Cymothoidae), an isopod parasite in the branchial cavities of the Black Sea silverfish Atherina boyeri Risso,1810 (Perciformes, Atherinidae)
Ahmet Öktener, Murat Sezgin
Preliminary studies on the marine vegetation of northern Cyprus
Sükran Cirik, Veysel Aysel, H. Avni Benli, Bülent Cihangir, Aydin Ünlüoğlu
Hydroid polyps of the Bosphorus
Serhat Albayrak, Neslihan Balkis
The significance of international legislation in integrated coastal zone management
Nesrin Algan
The macrobenthic fauna of Sırakaraagaçlar Stream flowing into the Black Sea at Akliman, Sinop
Levent Bat, Mehmet Akbulut, Mehmet Çulha, Murat Sezgin
The ostracods species collected from coasts of the Gökçeada (Imbroz) Island (Aegean Sea)
Mustafa Kiliç, Selçuk Altınsaçli, Hüsamettin Balkis, Neslihan Balkis