The effects of pollution on the distribution of phytoplankton in the surface water of the Golden Horn
Seyfettin Tas, Erdogan Okus
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Muskule Sok. Vefa 34116 Istanbul, TURKEY
In this study, to reach the interactions between pollution and phytoplankton at the Golden Horn, the surface water samples collected at January-December 1995 period are investigated to aspect the phytoplankton qualitative and quantitatively. During the study period, 24 phytoplankton species (16 diatoms and 8 dinoflagellates ) were determined. At the entrance of the Golden Horn (Station 1) 22 species were determined but at the inner part (Station 5) only 8 species were determined in the whole of the year. The phytoplankton quantity (2 x 103 cells/L on an average) were in low concentrations in general and reached the highest value (146 x 106 cells/L) at July. During that increase Leptocylindrus minimus, a member of centric diatoms, was dominant with 95% ratio. Dinoflagellate species concentration reached the highest value (1679 cells/L) when Noctulica scintillans, a member of this group, was dominant with 93% ratio at November. According to the results of this study, the surface water phytoplankton community of the Golden Horn,. is quite poor at the point of species and individual quantity. That is explained; the phytoplankton species and individual quantity dt.’Crease from the entrance to inner side of the Golden Horn vice versa pollution increase at the same direction during this study period.
Keywords: The Golden Horn, phytoplankton, pollution
Ostracoda (crustacea) fauna of the Black Sea coasts of Istanbul
Cüneyt Kubanç
Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 34459, Vezneciler, Istanbul, TURKEY
The Black Sea having unique properties is located on the north of the Anatolia mainland. Its brackish water characteristics, combined with the currents from the Bosphorus strait and fresh water flow from various rivers leads to a wide ecologic spectrum. In this research a total of 19 stations were sampled in November 2000 and May 2001. 40 species from 19 genera have been identified, among these species 15 of them Leptocythere macella, L. ramosa, L. lagunae, L. rara, Loxoconcha minima, L. littoralis, Hiltermannicythere rubra, Heterocythereis albomaculata, Cytheroma variabilis, Semicytherura amorpha, Semicytherura rarecostata, Xestoleberis margaritea, Paradoxostoma aff. triste, Argilloecia acuminata and A. minor are new records for recent ostracoda fauna of Turkey.
Keywords: Black Sea, ostracoda, crustacea, systematic
Check-list of the brachyuran crabs of the Turkish Straits System
Hüsamettin Balkis
Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology 34118, Istanbul, TURKEY
The aim of this study is to provide a check-list of brachyuran crab species existent in the Turkish Straits System according to available data. It has been determined that 46 brachyuran crab species belonging to 15 families exist in the Turkish Straits System, as a result of the investigation of the studies in that system. These species were presented in a table.
Keywords: Brachyura, Turkish Straits System, zoobenthos
A study on the fishes of Bozcaada Island (North Aegean Sea)
Lütfiye Eryilmaz
Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 34118 Vezneciler, Istanbul, TURKEY
This research was carried out in the shore and offshore of Bozcaada Island to new contributions to the recognition of the fish fauna of to the Aegean Sea. Fish specimens examined in this study were obtained from 17 stations between the years 2000 and 2001, from depths of 5 to 140 m, by using trawl, drift net and dredge. A total of 92 species belonging to 44 families were identified. From these species, 15 belong to Chondrichthyes and 77 to Osteichthyes. These species are new records for Bozcaada neritic waters of North Aegean Sea.
Keywords: Fish species, Bozcaada Island, Aegean Sea
The contribution of capsulated bacteria to the total bacterial community in the water column of the northern Marmara Sea, Küçükçekmece Lagoon and Strait of Istanbul, Turkey
Gülsen Altug, Yunus Bayrak
Istanbul University, Fisheries Faculty Ordu Cad. No. 200, Laleli, Istanbul, TURKEY
Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Microbiology Laboratory, Istanbul, TURKEY
The contribution of capsule-bearing bacteria to the total number of bacterioplankton community was enumerated to assume the metabolically active number of bacterioplankton in the eight different water masses of the Marmara Sea, Kucukcekmece lagoon and Istanbul strait. Capsulated and non-capsulated bacteria were determined using modified the negative staining technique. Total bacteria abundance and capsulated bacteria number was compared according to sampling area. As a result capsulated bacteria number was found higher at the surface water of eutrophic lagoon to the total bacteria (25.8 %) as compared to the water column of the Northern Marmara Sea and Istanbul Strait. Capsulated bacteria 5-20 meter, was found less than lagoon samples. The surface water of lagoon percentage of capsulated bacteria was significantly higher (P<0.001) than all areas. It was observed that there was no statistically significant differencee between the dates of sampling in respect to contribution of the number of the samples, which were taken from water above the sandy sediments of the Marmara Sea and deep from capsulated bacteria of the bacterioplankton community.
Keywords: Marmara Sea, Istanbul Strait, lagoon, capsulated bacteria, bacterial community
Structural features of the Tuzla region, Istanbul
Mehmet Bas, Bedri Alpar
Yunus Emre Cad. 15/13 Maltepe, Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, 34116 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY
All known earthquakes which affected Istanbul are originated in the Sea of Marmara, while there is not any large earthquake occurred on land on the Kocaeli Peninsula. Small scale earthquakes located on this platform have become much more interesting to researchers after two 4.2 Ms events occurred along the Tuzla-Pendik coastal area after the disastrous 17 August 1999 earthquake. Some NE-SW trending lineaments on the Kocaeli Peninsula are evident from digital elevation models and satellite images. The valleys along these lineaments show low resistivity and shear wave velocities, implying buried discontinuities. Seismic studies showed that the associated discontinuities observed in the acoustic disturbance at sea may be some of the faults on which the modem Sea of Marmara evolved. In present, the old faults in the Palaeozoic basement may be reactivated by the earthquakes occurring along the North Anatolian fault zone, causing damage to the settlements along the alluvial valleys extending inland.
Keywords: Sea of Marmara, tectonic setting, fault, seismic reflection, earthquake, underwater failures
Oil, phthalates and biotoxin analyses of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected from Dardanelles
Kasim Cemal Güven, Kartal Çetintürk, Mutlu Küçük, Mustafa Alpaslan, A. Adem Tekinay
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Muskule Sok. Vefa 34116 Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul University, Expt. Med. Res. Inst. (DETAM), Çapa, Istanbul, TURKEY
18 Mart University, Faculty of Fisheries, Çanakkale, TURKEY
Oil, phtalates and biotoxin pollution on mussels were investigated at the entrance and exit of Dardanelles between June 2001 and May 2002. The max. oil pollution was found in May 2002 in the Çanakkale and Gelibolu samples as 28.26 µg/g and 17.’26 µg/g (wet weight), respectively. The detected of oil compounds were aliphatic group as C1O-C22 and aromatic group as phenol, naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, indol, thiophene, dibenzothiophene derivatives. Phthalates derivatives, dibutyl, diisobutyl phthalate, DEHP (bisethyl hexyl phthalate) were identified by GC/MS analyses. Biotoxine analysis was made by bioassay; PSP and DSP mouse tests were found positive. This is first record in Turkey.
Keywords: Oil, phthalates and biotoxin, mussels, Dardanelles
Oil, phthalates and biotoxin analyses of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected from Dardanelles
Kasim Cemal Güven, Kartal Çetintürk, Mutlu Küçük, Mustafa Alpaslan, A. Adem Tekinay
Structural features of the Tuzla region, Istanbul
Mehmet Bas, Bedri Alpar
The contribution of capsulated bacteria to the total bacterial community in the water column of the northern Marmara Sea, Küçükçekmece Lagoon and Strait of Istanbul, Turkey
Gülsen Altug, Yunus Bayrak
A study on the fishes of Bozcaada Island (North Aegean Sea)
Lütfiye Eryilmaz
Check-list of the brachyuran crabs of the Turkish Straits System
Hüsamettin Balkis
Ostracoda (Crustacea) fauna of the Black Sea Coasts of Istanbul
Cüneyt Kubanç
The effects of pollution on the distribution of phytoplankton in the surface water of the Golden Horn
Seyfettin Tas, Erdogan Okus