Two lernaepodids and one pennellid copepod determined on three marine fishes collected in Turkey
Ahmet Öktener, Jean-Paul Trilles
Cihannüma mahallesi Hüsnü savman sok no;22/5 80690 Besiktas, Istanbul, TURKEY
UMR 517 I (Genome, Populations, Interactions, Adaptation), Equipe Adaptation Ecophysiologique et Ontogenese, Universite de Montpellier 2, CC 092, Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 05, FRANCE
In this paper, three parasitic copepods were reported on three different fish species for the first time in the seas of Turkey. The detected copepods are Neobrachiella bispinosa (Nordmann, 1832) on gills of Trigla lucerna; Eubrachiella exigua (Brian, 1906) on gills of Pagellus erythrinus; Lernaeolophus sultanus (Nordmann, 1839) on mouth base of Diplodus vulgaris.
Keywords: Copepod, parasites, Turkish fauna
List of phytoplankton of the Sea of Marmara
Neslihan Balkis
Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 34118 Vezneciler 34118, Istanbul, TURKEY
In this work, a list of the phytoplankton species in the Sea of Marmara is presented in the light of the previously conducted research. It was seen that totally 168 species, eight at the generic level, had been recorded from this region. Diatoms and Dinoflagellates were dominant in terms of species number, with 76 and 73 species, respectively. Diatoms represented the majority of the population (45.2%), followed by dinoflagellates (43.5%).
Keywords: Phytoplankton, species list, Sea of Marmara
Investigation of karstic cavities by using EM – VLF method
Ali Danışman
DED. Engineering Faculty, Department of Geophysics, Buca, Izmir, TURKEY
Electromagnetic VLF method can be used for the investigation of karstic cavities, which may often be seen along Turkey’s southern coasts, the determination of these cavities which are naturally or artificaly filled or halfly-filled by sea water, natural or artificial. This method is easier and more rapid than some other geophysical exploration methods. In this study, EM-VLF investigation method, which operates between 16 and 25 KHz as considered to be very low frequencies of electromagnetic spectrum, is used along with natural potential and direct current electric resistivity. During the studies, karstic cavities and fault systems related to these cavities and sea water were considered to be the most suitable model representing the region. In this model, structure is considered to be an excessively resistant medium and the fluid that fills the structure is considered to be a conductive medium.
Keywords: Karstic cavities, EM-VLF exploration, Sarıgerme
Investigations on Magnoliophyta at the South Marmara group islands
Ahsen Yüksek, Erdogan Okus
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences Management Muskule sok. Vefa 34470 Istanbul, TURKEY
In this study the distribution of the sea grass located at the South Marmara Group Islands was observed. These species which are under the protection are also important in terms of being oxygen source and the biological diversity. There is a relation between the protections of the sea grass and the biological diversity of the sandy areas. This area was preferred since it has an important role in sea products. The results of this study could be used in the future researches. The most frequently observed sea grass species was Cymodocea nodosa that are widely distributed at sand banks around the archipelago. Upper limit of C. nodosa meadows was ~ 1 m, while the densest structure was encountered at 6-7 m depth. Zostera marina was detected more frequently at sandy substratum of Paşalimanı Island and Araplar location of Avşa Island. Posidonia oceanica distribution, on the other hand, was limited to a very narrow area at Harmanlar location of Paşalimanı Island. This is the first record of Posidonia at the Sea of Marmara. The presence of an isolated, small community at the region is very important since Posidonia is an endemic Mediterranean species and it is also very important to investigate spatiotemporal changes in distribution of the species at the basin. Recent diving surveys (August, 2004) showed the continuity of the community. This is the first record of the Posidonia oceanica existence in the Sea of Marmara in 1986-2004.
Keywords: The Marmara Sea, magnoliophyta, distribution
Oil pollution in Bosphorus, Golden Horn and Sea of Marmara after M/V GOTIA ship accident
Kasim Cemal Güven, Selma Ünlü, Kartal Çetintürk, Erdogan Okus
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Müsküle Sokak 1. Vefa, 34116 Istanbul, TURKEY
The GOTIA ship accident occured on 06 Oct 2002 at Emirgan quay, in Bosphorus, 25 ton fuel was spilled into the sea. In this study the 279 samples of sea water, 6 mussel, 1 alg and GOTIA fuel oil were analysed by UVF and 287 samples by GC/MS and 200 samples by fingerprinting technique. The oil contamination was spread out at Istinye, northern part of Bosphorus at Golden Horn and at Yenikapi (near south end of Bosphorus). The maximum oil levels found after the accident were 813.5 mg/L in Bosphorus is 7.3 mg/L in Golden Horn and 27.4 mg/L at Yenikapi. The oil pollution area related to GOTIA fuel oil was proved by using fingerprinting technique.
Keywords: Oil pollution, GOTIA ship accident, seawater, alga, mussel