Biochemical studies on Scytosiphon simplicissimus (Clemente) Cremades (Phaeophyta, Scytosiphonales)

Vildan Çetingül, Veysel Aysel, Yeşim Kurumlu-Kuran

Department of Biology Faculty of Science, University of Ege, Bornova, lzmir, TURKEY
Pamukkale University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, Denizli, TURKEY


The extensive pollution arising from industrial and domestic wastes around the port of Izmir is gradually expanding to the middle parts of the bay. Pollution gives rise to many changes in biochemical structures of some algae observed in disturbed ecosystems. Hence, the present study examined the contents of total water, protein, fat, nitrogen, phosphorus, ash, Na, K, Mg and heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) in Scytosiphon simplicissimus (Clemente) Cremadcs [=S. lomentaria (Lyngb.) Link] which showed distribution in Narlıdere Sahil Evleri, a shore of the gulf of Izmir and in Yeni Foça. As a result, all measurements, except for Na and K, of the samples collected from Narlıdere Sahil Evleri were higher than those from yeni Foça. However, the accumulation of the heavy metals was arranged in the order of Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu, for both groups.

Keywords: Biochemical, Scytosiphon, Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyta


The effects of metal mixture in the culture medium on the growth of Phaedactlyum tricornutum under nutrient limitation

Oya S. Okay, Vildan Tüfekçi, Alec Gaines

Energy Systems and Environmental Research Institute, Marmara Research Center, TÜBİTAK, P.O. Box 21, 41470 Gebze, Kocaeli, TURKEY
Marine Science Institute, Middle East Technical University, P.O. Box: 28, 33731 Erdemli, İçel, TURKEY


A mixture of copper, zinc, cobalt, manganese and iron was added to the medium in which cultures of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bohlin) were grown under nitrate and phosphate limitation. Growth was determined by counting cells, measuring in vivo fluorescence and monitoring 14C uptake. It was found that maximum cell concentrations were reached at concentrations over 5 mg N l-1 and  0.5 mg P l-1 in the media whether or not there was enrichment with metals. The fluorescence intensities, growth rates, 14C uptake rates of the cells and chlorophyll-a: cell ratio in metal enriched media were higher than those in unenriched media.

Keywords: Eutrophication, bioassay, algae, limiting nutrient

Short and tidal period sea-level variations along the Turkish Strait System

Short and tidal period sea-level variations along the Turkish Strait System

Bedri Alpar, Hüseyin Yüce

Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, University of Istanbul, Vefa, 34470 Istanbul, TURKEY
Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, Çubuklu, 81647 Istanbul, TURKEY


An analysis of the short-period and tidal sea-level variations is performed based on the measurements taken at the stations along the coasts of the Southwestern Black Sea, Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus), Sea of Marmara, Strait of Çanakkale (Dardanelles) and Northeastern Aegean Sea. Short-period oscillations observed on the records were related to the natural periods of the straits and the Sea of Marmara itself. Tidal oscillations are small in amplitude and tidal regimes change along the Turkish Strait System.

Keywords: Sea level, short period oscillations, tides, Turkish Strait System


Oil pollution of Izmit Bay

Kasim C. Güven, Hülya Günday, Erdogan Okus, Selma Ünlü, Ertugrul Dogan, Tuncay Gezgin, Selmin Burak

Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, University of Istanbul, 34470 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY


The oil pollution was investigated at two stations in the lzmit Bay. The oil pollution varied between 12.74 – 383.44 µg/L at station 1 and 32.01-986.53 µg/L at station 2. The findings are evaluated on the bases of crude oils of differing origins. Hence the results depended on the oil taken as the standard. The oil pollution in the Izmit Bay was found high.

Keywords: Oil pollution, lzmit Bay seawater


Vol.3 – 1997 – No.1

Oil pollution of Izmit Bay
Kasim C. Güven, Hülya Günday, Erdogan Okus, Selma Ünlü, Ertugrul Dogan, Tuncay Gezgin, Selmin Burak

Short and tidal period sea-level variations along the Turkish Strait System
Bedri Alpar, Hüseyin Yüce

The effects of metal mixture in the culture medium on the growth of Phaedactlyum tricornutum under nutrient limitation
Oya S. Okay, Vildan Tüfekçi, Alec Gaines

Biochemical studies on Scytosiphon simplicissimus (Clemente) Cremades (Phaeophyta, Scytosiphonales)
Vildan Çetingül, Veysel Aysel, Yeşim Kurumlu-Kuran

Tools for a Mediterranean cooperation
Selmin Burak