Oil pollution of marine organisms after Nassia tanker accident in the Black Sea, Bosphorus and the Sea of Marmara
K.C. Güven, E. Okuş, S. Ünlü, E. Doğan, A. Yüksek
Plio-quaternary evolution of the Enez Delta, NE Aegean Sea
B. Alpar, L. Erel, C. Gazioğlu, E. Gökaşan, F. Adatepe, S. Demirel, O. Algan
Enzymes of hepatopancreas and thromp of Rapana venosa (Valenciennes 1846)
S. Akıncı, M. Hacıbekiroğlu, M. Küçük, E. Okuş, K.C. Güven
Toxicity of zinc and copper to the hermit crab Diogenes pugilator (Roux)
L. Bat, M. Çulha, M. Akbulut, A. Gündoğdu, M. Sezgin
Genetic and morphologic variations in cultivated blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in two Scottish Sea Lochs
Sedat Karayücel, Ismihan Karayücel
University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Faculty of Fisheries, 57 000 Sinop, TURKEY
Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA Scotland, UNITED KINGDOM
Three years old raft cultivated mussels, Mytilus edulis L. were collected from commercial mussel raft systems, and the external and internal shell characteristics measured and electrophoresis technique was applied for Loch Etive (LE) and Loch Kishorn (LK) mussel populations on the west coast of Scotland. The external shell characteristics results showed that LE mussels had higher and wider shell length than LK mussels (P<0.05). The hinge plate: shell length, anterior adductor mussel scar: shell length (P<0.001) and posterior adductor muscle-ventral margin: shell length (P<0.05) ratios were higher in LE mussels than LK mussels. However the number of teeth on the hinge plate (P<0.001), ligament margin: shell length ratio were higher in LK mussels than LE mussels (P<0.05). In contrast, posterior adductor mussel scar: shell length and length of the byssal retractor muscle scar: shell length ratios were not significantly different between the lochs (P>0.05). Genetic identity was found as 0.69 and genetic distance 0.37 between LE and LK mussel populations.
Keywords: Mytilus edulis, genetic, morphological variations

Upogebia pusilla (Petagna, 1792) (Decapoda, Upogebiidae) in the Turkish Black Sea fauna
A. Suat Ateş, Murat Sezgin
Ondokuz Mayıs University, Sinop Fisheries Faculty, 57000 Sinop, TURKEY
The present work is concerned with Upogebiid species, sampled by diving throught a study performed on crustacea decapoda off the Sinop Peninsula coast between June 1995 and July 1996. Collection war carried out from the depths, 0-15 m. 23 species of marine crustacea decapoda are now known to occur in the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Of these, Upogebia pusilla (Petagna, 1972) is new for the Turkish Black Sea coastal waters.
Keywords: Upogebia pusilla, Upogebiidae, crustacea decapoda, Turkish Black Sea

Relationship between otolith and total lengths of flounder (Pleuronectes Flesus Luscus Pallas, 1811) collected in eastern Black Sea coasts of Turkey
Temel Şahin, Erdinç Güneş
Fisheries Research Institute, Trabzon, TURKEY
The present study aims to investigate the relationship between otolith length and total length for flounder (Pleuronectes flesus luscus Pallas, 1811) collected from the Eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey. 315 females and 275 males, totally 590 flounder were examined during the study. The ages of the 590 flounders ranged between I-VI years. The calculated otolith-total length relationships for females, males and combined sexes were as follows, respectively:
y= 7.472 + 4.0186 x (r= 0.7528), y= 9.308 + 2.816 x (f= 0.6854), y= 0.5376 – 5.3923 x (r= 0.8787)
The relationship between otolith length and total length was significantly different between females and males (P<0.01).
Keywords: Eastern Black Sea, flounder (Pleuronectes flesus luscus), otolith length, total length

A deterministic approach to the interface layer variations along the Strait of Istanbul
Bedri Alpar, Hüsne Altıok, Hüseyin Yüce, Ajun Kurter, Ertuğrul Doğan
University of lstanbul, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Vefa, 34470 Istanbul, TURKEY
Turkish Navy, Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, Çubuklu, 81647 Istanbul, TURKEY
The Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus) possesses interesting internal hydraulic characteristics and exhibits a complex flow system with considerable temporal and spatial variability. Seasonal or longer time scale variability of the interface layer is related to the changes in the conditions in the Marmara and Black Seas and influenced by the climatic changes. The higher frequency variations, on the other hand, are associated with atmospheric forcing. The variations on the time scale of few days (storm surges) may dominate the flow paticularly in winter, giving rise to substantial modification of the two-layer flow and water mass structure. This variability may lead to the blockage of either the lower or upper layer. This paper describes oceanographic and meteorological measurements taken during February 1996 – January 1997 sea trials along the Strait of Istanbul and its entrance regions. The main objective of this study is to determine the upper Black Sea water flow and underlying. Mediterranean water flow along the Strait of Istanbul. The seasonal depth variations of the interface layer of the flow system along the Strait of Istanbul, their relations with sea level difference between adjacent seas and atmospheric forcing have been investigated.
Keywords: Strait of Istanbul, blockage, interface layer, sea level, atmospheric forcing

Examination of the pollution in the West Black Sea by remote sensing technologies
Ertuğrul Doğan, Cem Gazioğlu, Erdoğan Okuş, I. Ethem Gönenç, Hüseyin Yüce, Zeki Yaşar Yücel
University of Istanbul, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, No: 1, 34470 Vefa Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, Department of Environmental Engineering, Ayazağa Campus, Maslak, Istanbul, TURKEY
Turkish Navy, Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, Çubuklu, Beykoz, Istanbul, TURKEY
Black Sea has been subjected to various investigations from the 19th century to the present time, due to its unique oceanographic features and geological evolution. It has a surface area of 423 000 km2 (excluding the Azov Sea) and a volume of 547 000 km3 . The Black Sea (BS) is an intercontinental and is almost a miniature ocean with its geological structure. Unlike other seas of the world, the BS shows unique quality and trophic properties. Fortunately, only the upper layer water of the BS is introduced into the Strait of Istanbul (SOI; Bosphorus) and has a significant effect on the quality and trophic conditions of the Marmara Sea (MS). These effects are discussed in the light of data obtained from collaborative efforts of processed satellite images and various research institutions.
Keywords: Black Sea, Danube River, remote sensing, Strait of Istanbul, Marmara Sea

Calculation of investment costs of Turkish anchovy purse seiners operated in the Black Sea
A. Cemal Dinçer, Ercan Köse, H. Fehmi Durukanoğlu
Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Marine Science, 61530, Çamburnu, Sürmene, Trabzon, TURKEY
This paper presents a simple and practical method of obtaining the estimate of total investment costs for Turkish anchovy purse-seiners, designed by “traditional methods”. It is intended as a guide to fishing vessel designers, builders, owners and others concerned at the beginning of a new project who may wish to know the investment, and how it changes with alterations to principal design variables, such as main dimensions, and power. The method does not supplant more refined techniques used for professional cost estimators at later stages in the design, but it may be useful in circumstances where cost estimating expertise or actual shipyard costs are not immediately available. Fishing vessels discussed in this study are of 20 to 40 m long with an engine power of 300 to 1100 HP. It has been found that for the year 1997 total investment costs varied in the range from US$ 265000 to 532000, with an average value of US$ 391000. The average values for the proportions of investment cost components were found to be 25% for vessel production, 27% for machinery, and 48% for fishing gear and equipment cost.
Keywords: Investment costs, fishing vessels, Black Sea, anchovy

Underwater morphology of the Aegean Sea and natural prolongation of the Anatolian mainland
Mustafa Eryılmaz, Bedri Alpar, Ertuğrul Doğan, Hüseyin Yüce, Fulya Yücesoy Eryılmaz
Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, 81647 Çubuklu, Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences arid Management, 34470 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul Technical University, Ship Construction and Marine Sciences Faculty, 80626, Ayazaga, Istanbul, TURKEY
Underwater morphologic structures are closely related to the structural geology. Therefore, the determination of the relationship between the actual underwater morphology and the tectonic evolution of the region is rather important in order to draw the natural prolongation of the Anatolian mainland and to draw a natural border between Anatolian and Greek mainlands. For this purpose, the actual underwater morphological structures in the Aegean Sea were determined and correlated with the available geologic and geophysical data. The Greek and Turkish islands placed in the Eastern Aegean Sea formed the upper parts of the mountains before the subsidence of the region and the eastern part of the Aegean Sea is on the natural prolongation of the Anatolian mainland. The natural border separating the two mainlands is placed close to the coasts of the Greek mainland. These findings indicate that the islands close to the Anatolian coast are natural prolongation of the mainland.
Keywords: Aegean Sea, natural prolongation, geomorphology

An investigation on the oil pollution of the Eastern Mediterranean Coast of Turkey
Kasim Cemal Güven, Selma Ünlü, Işık Bıldacı, Ertuğrul Doğan
University of istanbul, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, Vefa, 34470, Istanbul, TURKEY
Hacettepe University, Environmental Research Center, Ankara, TURKEY
The oil pollution in seawater of East Mediterranean areas of Turkey was measured before and after service of Iraq – Yumurtalık (İskenderun) export pipeline. The higher oil concentration was found as 514.28 µg/L and 30.35 µg/L at Botaş before and after pumping respectively. The oil levels was varied before or after pumping. The findings show that oil transport by pipeline is a better export route. This investigation is a example which is supported the Turkish thesis of pipeline transport for Caspian oil thus recuding the risk of dangerous oil pollution of Bosphorus, Sea of Marmara and Dardanelles.
Keyword: East Mediterranean, oil levels, before and after pumping

A deterministic approach to the interface layer variations along the Strait of Istanbul
Bedri Alpar, Hüsne Altıok, Hüseyin Yüce, Ajun Kurter, Ertugrul Dogan
Relationship between otolith and total lengths of flounder (Pleuronectes Flesus Luscus Pallas, 1811) collected in eastern Black Sea coasts of Turkey
Temel Sahin, Erdinç Günes
Upogebia pusilla (Petagna, 1792) (Decapoda, Upogebiidae) in the Turkish Black Sea fauna
A. Suat Ates, Murat Sezgin
Genetic and morphologic variations in cultivated blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in two Scottish Sea Lochs
Sedat Karayücel, Ismihan Karayücel