Vol.15 – 2009 – No.3
09/05/2018Investigations of the rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) in the Northern Marmara Sea
Bayram Öztürk
Assesment of dissolved oxygen in coastal waters of Benghazi, Libya
Joel Prashant Jack, Amal Tahir Abdsalam, Naima Saad Khalifa
Impact of urban wastewaters on groundwater quality in the watershed of Middle Sebou (Morocco)
Elhoussine Derwich, Zineb Benziane, Lahcen Benaabidate, Driss Belghyti
Oil pollution in the Black Sea marine organisms during 2003-2006: mussel, shellfish, and algae
Kasım Cemal Güven, Filiz Nesimigil, Selin Cumalı