Contributions to the knowledge of algal flora of Homa Lagoon (Aegean Sea, Turkey)

Fatma Çolak Sabancı

Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Hydrobiology, Ege University, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, TURKEY


In this study, the benthic diatoms of Homa lagoon were determined between June 2006 and September 2007. Samples were collected from four selected sampling sites. The major confusion in genus Nitzschia identification is largely caused by the lack of comprehensive descriptions of nomenclatural types and undescribed variability of diagnostic features. Therefore it’s important to describe the species in sufficient detail to permit correct species recognition. For this purpose, structural details of observed in nine species of genus Nitzschia were examined. Nitzschia compressa var. balatonis (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot, Nitzschia rectirobusta Lange-Bertalot, Nitzschia vidovichii Grunow were reported for the first time from the Turkish coastal waters. Original photographs, morphological features and some information on their distribution patterns and the substratum they inhabit were also provided.

Keywords: Nitzschia, benthic diatom, morphometric data, Aegean Sea

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Distribution of members of the family Enterobacteriaceae in the Istanbul Strait

Mine Çardak, Gülşen Altuğ

Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Marine Biology Canakkale, TURKEY
Istanbul University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Marine Biology Istanbul, TURKEY


The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of the Enterobacteriaceae members present in the sea water samples obtained from the stations selected at the Marmara Sea entry and the Black Sea exit of the Istanbul Strait and the effect of the physical parameters on the distribution of these indicator bacteria. A total of 126 unit isolates of the members of the Enterobacteriaceae were identified using API 20E (Biomereux) in the sea water samples obtained from the surface waters (0-30 cm) and various depths by monthly samplings from February 2006 to March 2007. Faecal and total coliform analyses were performed in order to state the bacterial pollution load using membrane filtration technique. Temperature, salinity, conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured by a CTD (SBE-15). The results of this study demonstrated that the highest bacterial abundance and pollution were present at the Marmara Sea entry of the Istanbul Strait, the number of bacteria determined below the depth of 20 m were higher than the deep discharge standards, and the deep discharge at the Marmara Sea entry of the Istanbul Strait was not attaining its purpose due to the lower layer waters were returning to the Marmara Sea instead of merging in the Black Sea, as pointed out by the bacterial levels.

Keywords: Enterobacterieaceae, Istanbul Strait, total coliform, faecal coliform

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Monitoring of radionuclide concentrations in marine algae, mussel and sediment samples from the Turkish marine environment during the period of 2001-2009

Sayhan Topçuoğlu, Halim Aytekin Ergül, Murat Belivermiş, Önder Kılıç

Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Radiobiology Section of Biology Department, 34134 Vezneciler, Istanbul, TURKEY
Kocaeli University, Faculty of Art and Science, Department of Biology, Izmit, TURKEY


The anthropogenic and natural radionuclide concentrations were reviewed in marine algae, mussel and sediment samples were collected from Turkish marine environment in 2001 to 2009. The results showed that, the concentration of 137Cs activity gradually decreased in tested all the samples than previous results. On the other hand, the natural radionuclide concentrations are slight increased during this time.

Keywords: Radionuclide, biota, sediment, Turkish marine environment

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Ergül, H.A., Topcuoglu, S., Ölmez, E. and Kırbaşoğlu, Ç. (2006). Radionuclides in a sediment trap and bottom sediment samples from the eastern Turkish coast  if the Black Sea. J.Rad.Nucl. Chem. 268: 133-136.

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Oil pollution level in sea water and sediments of Turkish Straits (Bosphorus, Sea of Marmara, Dardanelles) and Golden Horn during 2004-2007

Kasım Cemal Güven, Filiz Nesimigil, Selin Cumalı, Ahmet Yalçın, Burak Çoban

Turkish Research Marine Foundation (TUDAV), Beykoz, 10, Istanbul, TURKEY
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Science and Management, Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY
Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Zonguldak, TURKEY


In this paper oil pollution levels were determined in sea water and sediments of Turkish Straits (Bosphorus, Sea of Marmara, and Dardanelles) and additionally Golden Horn during 2004-2007. Oil concentrations were varied in examined area. The highest oil levels found in sea water were: in 2004 in Bosphorus B7 at 10 m depth 1512.73 μg/l, in 2005 at K0 therm., 3173.67 μg/l, in 2006 at KK 1307.55 μg/l and in 2007 at B13 therm., 1243.61μg/l. The highest oil amount found in sediments were: in 2004 in Sea of Marmara at MKC 1238.40 μg/g, in 2005 at MK 2763.76 μg/g, in 2006 at MK 1859.10 μg/g. The cause of high pollution levels is: for Bosphorus heavy ship traffic, for Sea of Marmara illegal discharge of ballast water from tankers came to Izmit refinery and sewage of urban/industrial water and for Golden Horn heavy boats traffic. It was observed in some stations a relationship on pollution levels between sea water and sediment.

Keywords: Bosphorus, Golden Horn, Sea of Marmara, Dardenelles, oil pollution

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Preliminary observations on the Samsun Bay splash zone biodiversity

Yuvenaly Zaitsev, Nadezhda Kopytina, Olga Garkusha, Irina Serbinova

Odessa Branch, Institute of Biology of Southern Seas, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 37, Pushkinska Street, 65125 Odessa, UKRAINE


Taking into consideration the unique indicatory significance of the marine splash zone where the inhabitants of the neustal, water column and bottom are present, and continuing the investigations of the phenomenon of littoral concentration of life, samples of sand, mollusk shells and pieces of drifting wood and reed were selected. Parallel samples in the geographically opposite Odessa Gulf area were taken. During laboratory investigations living unicellular algae and fungi have been detected. There were: in Samsun samples – 21 algal species and in Odessa samples – 5 species, and correspondingly 10 and 8 fungal species. All species of fungi from the Samsun Bay were obligate marine and in the Odessa Gulf 8 species were obligate marine and 4 species – of terrigenous origin. Possible reasons of these differences are discussed. Preliminary conclusion is that the ecological status of the Samsun Bay area in autumn 2009 was more satisfactory than that in the Odessa Gulf area.

Keywords: Samsun Bay, Odessa Gulf, microalgae, fungi

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Vol.16 – 2010 – No.3

Preliminary observations on the Samsun Bay splash zone biodiversity
Yuvenaly Zaitsev, Nadezhda Kopytina, Olga Garkusha, Irina Serbinova

Oil pollution level in sea water and sediments of Turkish Straits (Bosphorus, Sea of Marmara, Dardanelles) and Golden Horn during 2004-2007
Kasım Cemal Güven, Filiz Nesimigil, Selin Cumalı, Ahmet Yalçın, Burak Çoban

Monitoring of radionuclide concentrations in marine algae, mussel and sediment samples from the Turkish marine environment during the period of 2001-2009
Sayhan Topçuoğlu, Halim Aytekin Ergül, Murat Belivermiş, Önder Kılıç

Distribution of members of the family Enterobacteriaceae in the Istanbul Strait
Mine Çardak, Gülşen Altuğ

Contributions to the knowledge of algal flora of Homa Lagoon (Aegean Sea, Turkey)
Fatma Çolak Sabancı