On the long term (1935-1976) fluctations of the low frequency and main tidal constituents and their stability in the gulf of Antalya

On the long term (1935-1976) fluctations of the low frequency and main tidal constituents and their stability in the gulf of Antalya

Bedri Alpar, Ertuğrul Doğan, Hüseyin Yüce

Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, 81647  Çubuklu, Beykoz, Istanbul , TURKEY
Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, 34470 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY


Long term and tidal characteristics of water level variations at Antalya (Northern Levantine Sea, Eastern Mediterranean) have been investigated based upon a sequence of hourly water level observations from 1935 to 1976. The seasonal fluctuations of monthly mean sea level show two maxima and two minima; the major minimum occurs in March and a major maximum in August. The range between the extremes is about 17.4 cm. A 3.6 mm per year rise in annual sea level is computed. Tidal oscillations are small in amplitude with a spring range of 21 cm and dominated by semi-diurnal constituents. Tidal constituents were examined for the stability of the harmonic constants. The result of these analyses, with a one-year shift, indicated that diurnal (K1, 01), semi-diurnal (M2, S2, K2, N2) and some long-term (Sa, Ssa) constituents for the period 1935 – 1976 were worthy to take into consideration. Most of the remaining long period constituents were absolutely unstable and completely unreliable.

Keywords: Sea level, tidal constituents, Levantine Sea, Eastern Mediterranean

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Caldwell, C. (1991) Sea Level Data Processing Software On IBM PC Compatible Microcomputers, TOGA Sea Level Centre, Hawai, USA.

Crawford, W.R. (1982) Analysis of fortnightly and monthly tides, International Hydrographic Review, Monaco LIX (1): 131-141.

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Godin, G (1972) The Analysis of Tides, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada, p.264.

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Yüce, H. and Alpar, B. (1994) Water level variations in Northern Levantine Sea, Oceanologica Acta 17(3): 249-254.


Distribution of the ichthyo-jellyplankton Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz, 1865) in the Marmara Sea

Tamara Shiganova, Ahmet N. Tarkan, Ayhan Dede, Mustafa Cebeci

Institute of Oceanology, Academy of Science, Moscow, RUSSIA
University of lstanbul, Faculty of Aquatic Products, Beyazıt, Istanbul, TURKEY
Department of Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, 81647 Çubuklu, Beykoz, Istanbul, TURKEY


In this study, the distribution and the abundance of the abundance of Ctenophora Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Sea of Marmara are investigated. Samples were taken vertically and from surface from 16 stations with special plankton nets. They were determined taxonomically and separated into three different size groups. According to vertical sampling the abundance of M. leidyi was fowld to be approximately 4.3 kg/m 2 near the Bosphorus and 9.7 kg/m 2 near the Dardanelles. According to the surface samples, the abundance was 0.5-0.7 kg/catch in near Bosphorus and 11-13 kg/catch in Dardanelles. It was determined that the population of M. leidyi was distributed between 10 and 30 m. water depth and there were no fish eggs or larvae in the area.

Keywords: Mnemiopsis leidyi, Bosphorus, Marmara Sea, Dardanelles

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Artüz, İ. (1991) Marmara Denizi’nde taraklı medüz, Cumhuriyet, Bilim Teknik Dergisi, Ekim, 571. 9

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Studenikina, E.I., Volovik, S.P., Mirsoyan, I.A. and Luts, G.I. (1991) Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Azov Sea. (in russ.) Okeanologia, Moscow. 31(6): 973-980.

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A comparative study on constructional characteristics and engine power of Turkish fishing vessel in the Black Sea

Emin Özdamar

Faculty of Fisheries, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Sinop, TURKEY


In this study, the principal dimensions and fishing power of Turkish fishing vessels bigger than 18 GT in the Black Sea were investigated. Furthermore, the comparison on the principal dimensions was made among Turkish, Japanese, CIS (Country of Independent States) and Peruvian fishing vessels. Totally, 441 Turkish, 1289 Japanese and CIS fishing vessels were analyzed. It was determined that 29% of Turkish vessels in the Black Sea were between 17 and 18 m in length, and 3% of them were 27 m or longer. Some basic proportions of wooden and steel Turkish vessels were calculated as; L/B=2.84-3.24, L/D= 10.02-11.43 and HP/GT=5.56-4.65, respectively. In recent years, the increment on number of vessel and fishing capacity in Turkey was observed, in whkh 66% of fishing vessels in the Black Sea were built in 1977-1989. During this term, marine fish catches were increased accordingly, but CPUE was decreased about 50%. It was concluded that due to the high competition among fishermen, the excessive engine power was particularly used in Turkish vessels.

Keywords: Fishing vessel, principal dimensions, engine power, Black Sea, fisheries management

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Anonymous. (1979-1993) Fishery statistics, 1972-1991. State lnst. of Stat. Ankara.

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Present Status of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, Monachus monachus, (Hermann, 1779) n the Coasts of Foça In the Bay of Izmir

Present status of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, Monachus monachus, (Hermann, 1779) on the coasts of Foça in the Bay of Izmir (Aegean Sea)

Bayram Öztürk, Ayhan Dede

University of Istanbul, Faculty of Aquatic Products, Laleli-lstanbul, TURKEY


The areas which bear habitat features for Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779) were searched in Foça, as a pilot region for the project of Mediterranean monk seal. Seven caves and seven shelters were found. Interviews with the local fishermen revealed that seals were observed 29 times (max.) in 1991. 14 times in 1992 and five times in 1993. Besides, according to these fishermen, three different seals were defined in Foça and they were mostly seen around the Orak and Incir Islands. Direct observations have been made to find seals in Foça region but without success. The areas between Foça-Karaburun and Foça-Mordoğan were also searched. Compared with Foça. more seal observations were made by the fishermen in Karaburun and Mordoğan in 1992. Investigations were carried out in Foça on fishing details such as the fishing grounds, the species caught. the fishing gears and the size of the damage in the nets. The area was influenced by the fishing made with purse-seine. trawl and trammel nets. Out of 87 damaged trammel nets examined during the study, only 20 included the damages due to seals. Some human activities like fishing and tourism were noted to cause stress for seals in the area near the potential seal habitat.

Keywords: Mediterranean monk seal, habitat, distribution, Aegean Sea, Foça, fisheries

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Chemical properties of the two-layer flow regimes in the Turkish Straits

Süleyman Tuğrul, Çolpan Polat, Özden Baştürk, Emin Hatipoğlu, Ayşen Yılmaz, Semal Yemenicioğlu, Cemal Saydam, İlkay Salihoğlu

Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences, P.K. 28, Erdemli 33731, lçel, TURKEY


Systematic data obtained at the exits of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits between 1986 and 1994 permit us to understand the seasonal variations in the nutrient properties of the counter flows in the Turkish Straits. The brackish outflow from the Black Sea enters the Marmara Sea with low levels of inorganic nutrients (PO4-P˂0.1 µM; NO3+NO2-N˂0.1-0.2 µM) from spring to autumn but possesses unexpectedly high concentrations (PO4-P=0.3-0.4 µM; NO3+NO2-N=5-7 µM) in early winter. The calculated annual average concentrations of POand NO3+NO2 are about 0.11 and 1.3 µM, respectively. However, the nutrient properties of the brackish waters of Black Sea origin are modified noticeably as they flow through the Marmara basin and the Dardanelles both by biomediated chemical processes and by the ex-port of biogenic organic particles to the lower layer. The salty Mediterranean inflow to the Marmara deep basin via the Dardanelles Strait contains low nutrient concentrations ( NO3+NO2-N=1.0 µM; PO4-P=0.05 µM on average). However, the salty water, before reaching the Black Sea via the Bosphorus, is much enriched with inorganic nutrients in the Marmara basin by the input from the surface flow; the average concentrations being as high as 9.6 µM for NO3+NO2-N and 1.0 µM for PO4. In other words, the initially nutrient-poor Mediterranean water spreads into the Black Sea with its nitrate+nitrite and phosphate concentrations enriched at least 10-20 fold, which are larger than the biologically labile nutrient content of the Black Sea outflow.

Keywords: Bosphorus, Dardanelles, phosphorus compounds, nitrogen compounds

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Baştürk, Ö., Tuğrul, S., Yılmaz, A., Saydam, C. (1990) Health of the Turkish Straits: Chemical and environmental aspects of the Sea of Marmara. METU-Institute of Marine Sciences. Tech. Rep., 90(4). Erdemli-İçel. Turkey. pp.69

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Oil contamination of Mytilus galloprovincialis after the Nassia accident

Oil contamination of Mytillus galloprovincialis after the Nassia Accident

Kasım Cemal Güven, Selma Ünlü, Erdoğan Okuş, Ertuğrul Doğan

Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, University of Istanbul, 34470 Vefa, Istanbul, TURKEY


Oil accumulation in mussels was investigated after the Nassia oil tanker accident on the Istanbul Strait by applying UVF and GC/MS analysis methods. Pristane and phytane ratio was used to distinguish the sources of pollution. Amounts of oil varied from 5 to 250 µg/g in three surveys. The analysis results revealed that contamination originated from the oil spilts from the tanker involved in the accident.

Keywords : Oil pollution, Nassia accident, mussel, UVF, GC/MS analysis

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Vol.1 – 1995 – No.2/3

Oil contamination of Mytillus galloprovincialis after the Nassia accident
Kasım C. Güven, Selma Ünlü, Erdoğan Okuş, Ertuğrul Doğan

Chemical properties of the two-layer flow regimes in the Turkish Straits
Süleyman Tuğrul, Çoban Polat, Özden Baştürk, Emin Hatipoğlu, Ayşen Yılmaz, Semal Yemenicioğlu, Cemal Saydam, İlkay Salihoğlu

Present status of the Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus, (Hermann, 1779) on the coasts of Foça in the Bay of Izmir (Aegean Sea)
Bayram Öztürk, Ayhan Dede

A comparative study on constructional characteristics and engine power of Turkish fishing vessel in the Black Sea
Emin Özdamar

Vol.1 – 1995 – No.1

Distribution of the ichthyo-jellyplankton Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz, 1865) in the Marmara Sea
Tamara Shiganova, Ahmet N. Tarkan, Ayhan Dede, Mustafa Cebeci

On the long term (1935-1976) fluctations of the low frequency and main tidal constituents and their stability in the gulf of Antalya
Bedri Alpar, Ertuğrul Doğan, Hüseyin Yüce

Long period (subtidal) sea level variations and their relations to atmospheric forcing in the gulf of Antalya
Bedri Alpar, Hüseyin Yüce, Ertuğrul Doğan

Primary production, bacterioplankton and planktonic protozoa in the Marmara Sea
Yuri I. Sorokin, Ahmet N. Tarkan, Bayram Öztürk, Meriç Albay

Investigations on the pollution of Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) by M/S Rab Union-18 Sunk with live sheep
Türkan Yurdun, Ferda Kaleağasıoğlu, Kasım C. Güven, Bayram Öztürk